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Esmeralda woke to a empty bed, her heart sinking in her chest before she smelt coffee and eggs. she slowly perked up, pulling herself away from the warm covers. her hair was a wild mane of hair, so she pulled the hair into a messy bun, sure she looked like a zombie. her eyes flickered over to her desk, finding Sebastian's shirt on her chair. she smiled lightly, grabbing it quickly before tugging it on, letting his warm smell surround her.

she stepped out of her room, his shirt dwarfing her even more. it easily went down her thighs, inches away from her knees. she crept silently down the hall, peeking her head around the entrance to the kitchen. her warm brown eyes meeting his gentle stormy ones, a smile pulled at his lips, causing one to explode on hers. his hair was no better than hers, but that wasn't what her eyes were on.

no it was the shirtless torso that had dark ink covering the smooth skin. she felt her cheeks flush at his pierced nipples, flinching slightly as she imagined the pain. but she couldn't help but gaze in awe of his body art; and body.

he was beautiful in every sense of the word, his body covered in muscles and ink. he was everyone's type, even a straight male's. she had shirtless boys before but before her was a man, a pure man.

and he was cooking food, food that smelt delicious. there was nothing more attractive than the sight before her, she removed her eyes from his muscular torso, her pink cheeks turning flaming red.

"come here." he mumbled the command gently, watching her slip around the corner and towards him. she felt his gaze heavy on her, meeting his eyes only to find them on his shirt. she nearly pulled it off before his hands grabbed hers, "the shirt is yours, it would be offensive for me to try and wear it now, after you have."

his words caused her heart to sped up, stepping into him, letting him pepper soft kisses on her forehead and cheeks. she nearly swore at the toaster as toast popped when his lips neared hers. she wasn't quite sure why he had yet tried to kiss her but then again she hadn't tried to really kiss him. she didn't quite know what they were, on the thin line between friends and lovers.

"here's some breakfast, i have some business to take care of but i didn't want to just leave." he explained, making her plate. her lips formed a pout, making him chuckle, "trust me, princess, if i could i would never leave." he assured, holding the plate out for her to grab. his pet name warming her heart, she hadn't even spoke but he was so attentive.

"will i see you later?" she questioned quietly, watching as his eyes glanced away from her for the first time since she woke up.

"don't stay up." was his reply before kissing the top of her head and disappearing, the click of her door shutting echoing through the now silent apartment.

she let out a heavy breath,  sitting on her couch and turned on her laptop, scrolling through her social media, clicking on her emails. a piece of the omelette getting stuck in her throat as she read one of them, suddenly jumping up. she read over the email three times before darting to her room.

she reemerged with a pair of jeans, dark red sweater, mix-matched socks, boots, and a rain coat. she grabbed her phone, wallet, and keys. then she dashed off, barely locking her door behind her before scrambling down the steps, mentally rereading the email as she got into her car and tried her hardest not to sped.

she parked by her usual coffee shop, jumping out and locking her door behind her before stumbling into the shop. Charlie's eyes were on her in seconds, raising a questioning eyebrow. "my book-" she tried to get out, breathing heavily. she felt a hand on her back, a concerned look on the females face. "my book is getting published." she exclaimed, confusion flashed over Charlie's face before she suddenly lit up with joy.

"Esme! you did it!" her warm arms wrapped around her, jumping slightly in excitement. "that took entirely too long," she said with a wide smile on her face.

Esmeralda, herself, couldn't keep the smile off her face. "but it's done, the first book is going to be sent to me in a few weeks." she couldn't help the warm gooey feeling in her chest, things seemed to be getting better. the world wasn't in a constant state of gray skies anymore, the only gray in her life was his eyes.


his hands curled slightly, looking down at his bleeding knuckles. a low chuckle emitted from the male on the ground, "your temper hasn't changed." Aspen said, spitting out blood before standing.

Sebastian let out a harsh warning growl, his fists itching to land another one on him. "leave her out of it, she had nothing to do with it." he barely finished his sentence before the blonde blew up with laughter.

"she has everything to do with it, Sebastian. you know once he finds out she's the reason why you left, he'll hunt her down. you were always his favorite." Aspen's words had a tinge of bitterness in them.

Aspen always tried so hard to appease him, something the taller male never understood.

"he won't get near her, he knows what i can do." he threatened.

"exactly Sebastian, he knows what you can do. he'll continue to get close and threaten her until you blow up again. we both know how dangerous your temper is, do you not remember the last time?"

of course he did, he remembered it every time he looked into her warm eyes. he remembered the pain he caused her because of his selfish reasons, but she could never know the truth. it would kill her, or maybe it was another selfish reason to keep her near.

"remember who you are, you can never mix with humans." Aspen spoke softly, his act disappearing until he stood as fragile as a human. "you and i know better than anyone, learn from me, we only hurt those we love, that's what we were born to do."

then Sebastian was alone, with a frustrated sigh he sat on his couch, clenching his hair in his hands. "Seb," her voice softly swirled around him, her thin fingers touching his shoulder. "oh Seb." she murmured, her lips resting on his jaw.

but as soon as her legs wrapped around his waist she was pushed aside on the couch. "go away Rose," he burned holes into the floor with his glare.

"humans are pathetic beings, all they do is cry and die." she hissed out, standing up as her fingers curled around the doorknob.

"then why did you love one?" he asked, feeling her freeze in her steps before the loud thud of his apartment door echoed in his ears.


i know some of you are probably insanely confused... but hopefully all will be explained soon. but what are your theories? also do you like the new cover?

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