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her breath hitched in her throat at the large male in her doorway. "hey Mer," he mumbled, scratching the back on his neck.

"hey." she replied slightly flatly, what did she just promise herself? stay away from Sebastian! but now he was in front of her and it was so much more difficult.

"could we talk?"

a nod was given in response before she turned and sat down on the couch. he paused before walking in and shutting the door. he shuffled, his eyes darting around the apartment.

"you wanted to talk?" Esmeralda spoke first, raising a eyebrow.

"oh yeah," he took a step forward before stopping and shaking his head. "i need to tell you something, actually i need to tell you a lot of things. well everything, but it's not that easy to tell. i mean it's not even slightly easy, no where easy, like easy is about a thousand football yards away. i mean even-"

"Sebastian." she cut off his ramble, frowning, this wasn't like him at all. he was always confident and calm, this was a young boy who was afraid to tell his crush they liked them.

"okay," he whispered, suddenly grabbing a chair from her table and sitting it down in front of her. their knees brushed together, causing his eyes to flicker to her bare legs, swallowing hard.


"sorry." he shook his head, looking up into her warm trusting chocolate eyes, sweet. "i'm going to tell you something okay? i need you to trust me." she made a face, curling away in thought.

"okay, just tell me."

"i'm not human." he blurted out, biting his tongue as he looked at her.

Esmeralda kept a straight face before laughter fell out of her mouth, before she covered it and regained control. "okay, what are you then?"

"a demon." he said, unimpressed with her laughter, his face serious.

she sobered up, staring at him with wide eyes. "oh my, you actually believe that. Sebastian, there's no such thing." she whispered, concern flashing across her face.

"Esmeralda i need you to just listen," so she did as he explained his history as Elijah had, watching emotions across her face. after he finished he waited, letting her brain work it out.

she slowly stood up, barely hearing him call her name as she went to the kitchen, grabbing a glass of water. her mind spinning, everything she knew was thrown upside down and she didn't even know if it was real.

"Esmeralda," he spoke behind her, she could feel the heat radiating off him from how close he was. "please talk to me."

"that's not everything, what aren't you telling me." she stated, her eyes close, she needed to hear it.


"tell me Sebastian." she demanded, her back to him but she could feel him exhale heavily.

"the storm," he talked slowly, "that killed your parents," her body stiffened, holding her breath, "was me." his voice was barely audible but she heard it plain and kill.

The Storm Between Us  (REWRITING)Where stories live. Discover now