Flashbacks part II

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"Careful, don't get to close! she'll hurt us all!" laughter slipped into her ears, she stumbled as a shoulder roughly brushed past her. tears blurring her eyes. "she's cursed! she killed her parents didn't you hear!"

she bit down on her tongue, "she's going to cry now? what did you think? we were just going to become best friends." she felt a hand shove her back against the wall. "nobody wants you around here, you're cursed." they sneered.

Esmeralda stood up, looking at her reflection in the mirror, water droplets falling down her face before she patted it with a soft towel. she turned off the water, pulling her hair into a ponytail before going to her room. she tugged on Sebastian's shirt, letting his scent engulf her.

she laid down, pulling the comforter around her body, as if it could protect her from the world. as she slipped into unconsciousness, wetness spilled down her cheeks, dampening her pillow.

"why don't you just go somewhere else." they muttered as they past her in the hallways. "no one wants you here."

she squeezed her eyes tightly, biting down on her lip.

"you just seem to mess up everything don't you?" they whispered into her ears after she spilt some chemicals on the floor.

she curled tighter against her chest, holding her chest with one hand.

"maybe your parents didn't even die? maybe they just left, i would."

"why didn't you just die in that storm?"

"she's cursed, she'll end up killing us all during these storms!"

"why are you even still alive?"

"don't you see no one wants you here?"

"you killed your parents didn't you?"

she gasped for air, her body shaking as sobs erupted from her throat. she grasped the sheets, her lungs burning for air she didn't realize she didn't have. she whimpered softly, breathing slowly to calm herself down.

she laid there for awhile, unable to leave or move. sleep never came, silent tears slipping down her cheeks. her eyes staring at her white walls. her eyes were heavy but she couldn't close them, afraid of what would come when she did.

soon sunlight peeked into her room, causing her to slowly move, every muscle in her body sore as if she ran for miles. she slowly stretched out, stripping herself of the clothes she had on, walking to the bathroom. she turned on the water, making sure it wasn't too hot before stepping into the bathtub.

she watched as it slowly filled, covering her legs. she waited before it was near the end of her tub edge, turning it off. she sat in the warm bath water, slowly sinking under until water covered her head.

she closed her eyes, letting the constricted feeling in her chest to come before it began to burn. she stayed still, every instinct in her mind telling her to gasp for air. she could only fight it so long before her head began to pound and she shot up. she coughed, gasping for air.

she slowly begun to breathe normal again, her heart racing in her chest. she washed herself off, emptying the tub and grabbing a towel. she dried herself off and walked out of the bathroom, with a towel wrapped around herself.

she tugged the sheets off her bed and pillows, throwing them into the dirty hamper before picking out comfy clothes. she grabbed a large sweater and sweats, just wanting to be comfortable today. she needed to detox, relax her brain.

The Storm Between Us  (REWRITING)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora