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He fixed his shirt, standing straight as he knocked on the door. a smile on his lips as he patiently waited, before he slowly frowned, knocking again. "Esmeralda?" he called, turning the doorknob. he constantly told her to lock the door but she always forgot.

he looked around, the smell of blood making him tense up. his eyes landed on the petite girl on the couch, "Esmeralda!" he ran to her side, touching her head. swears slipped out of his mouth, he gathered her in his arms, not caring if the blood ruined the nice button up he bought earlier in the day.

he quickly moved down the steps, going to the car he rented, quickly starting it as he glanced at her in the passenger seat. Elijah. he growled lowly, speeding down the streets, his hands tightening on the steering wheel.

he pulled into the drop off area, pulling her out of the car. "help!" he called, getting the attention of the receptionist.

"put her on the bed!" she ordered, calling doctors. "what happened?"

"she hit her head, i don't know how long she's been unconscious."

"alright sir, just stay here, we've got her." they wheeled her behind the doors, he slowly backed up. he couldn't stay, they'd ask him questions, he couldn't endanger her any more.

he turned and left, jumping into the car and driving off. he went to the only place he could think of going. Aspen's.

he went out of the car, banging on the door as he ran a hand through his hair. "Aspen!" he banged on the door again, not caring if he annoyed the male.

however when the door opened it wasn't Aspen, but he was standing behind him. "Ah, Sebastian! it's wonderful to see you." Elijah grinned.

Sebastian could feel his chest tighten as he lunged at Elijah, only to fall to his knees as Elijah touched his head. "i'll kill you." he gasped out, clawing at his chest.

"but you can't." he whispered, "look at how weak she made you!" he shouted, "i am helping you." he gripped Sebastian neck, taking the air right out of him.

"Elijah! Stop! you'll kill him!" Rose screamed, bringing held back by Aspen who knew they couldn't stop Elijah.

"i'm helping you." he repeated as if he couldn't hear Rose. "you'll thank me for this." he released Sebastian, stepping over him as he left. Rose scrambled to him, touching his face.

"i'm going to kill him." he barely got out between sucking in air. "i swear i'm going to-" he was cut off as he coughed, laying on the ground.

"i'm so sorry Sebby." she whispered, rubbing his side. "i'm so sorry." her tears hit his skin.

'I'll kill him' he promised.


"better?" Aspen asked, standing in front of the other two, sitting down on the table.

Sebastian looked up at him, giving him a dubious look. the blond raised his hands in surrender. "why was he here?"

Rose looked at her hands, "he's trying to get you to come back, you know he won't stop Sebastian." she whispered, ashamed.

"like hell, i won't come up. you guys have to leave." he demanded.

"we can't." Aspen stood, running a hand through his hair. "don't you get that? we are all stuck! we will never be free from him, we will always have control over us!" he shouted, knocking a lamp off a counter, shattering on the ground.

"Aspen!" Rose shouted, standing herself. "that won't make it better."

"no it won't, it won't ever bring any of them back." he growled, looking at Rose. "but he's not taking Esmeralda, over my dead body."

"don't say stuff like that, you know he won't hesitate, he can just make more of us." she whispered.

"i don't care, we didn't fight, but he's not doing it to Sebastian." the two fought as Sebastian sat there.

"he's not going to hurt her if i leave." he whispered.

the two stopped, staring at him. "Sebas-"

"no, that's final." he stood, looking at both of them. "i won't come back to him, i won't give him that power, but i can't stay."

"so that's it?" Aspen said, "you give up on her? you just leave her without giving her explanation?"

Sebastian nodded, making a dry laugh leave Aspen's lips. "what do you suggest it do."

"fight." he said with a hard face, moving forward to look at them both. "we all fight, we are together in this. if we fight together he won't be able to take us all!"

"you don't know that Aspen." Rose said softly, "but you aren't leaving Sebastian. we can all look out for Esmeralda, we keep her close and watch out. we keep her safe."

"until when? you said yourself Aspen, Elijah will never let us be happy. we are always stuck with him, he will constantly come back until she's dead. besides i couldn't do that to her." he whispered, looking down at his hands.

they stood in silence, their minds spinning as they tried to figure out how to keep her safe. "well i'm going to the hospital." Rose spoke, "i'll look out for her until you decide what you want Sebastian." she looked around before touching his shoulder and looking up at him. "but if you do leave, say goodbye, don't let her wonder."

she turned and walked out, putting her sunglasses on. her bright hair pulled into a ponytail as she made her way towards the hospital.

Sebastian sat down, followed by Aspen. "i don't know what to do Aspen, if i stay i hurt her but if i leave i hurt her." he ran a hand over his face. "what choice do i have that keeps her from getting hurt that doesn't involve joining Elijah?"

"that's one thing i won't let you do, you're not joining Elijah. but right now i don't know, i don't know what i should've have done." he talked softly.

"no matter what i do, i can't protect her." he looked at the ceiling. "i'm either selfish or a monster."


i hated writing this, like the inner war he has going on is going to kill me honestly. so this book started off pretty slow because it's going to sped up now.

i hope you guys enjoy this, expect more action and drama soon hehe.

question of the chapter: what would you do? leave or stay?

hope you enjoyed!

have a great day/night

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