Chapter Twenty One.

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I was driving down the highway from one of my ho's house and saw Ria getting on the side of the bridge looking down. I pulled on the side and got out the car.

"Ria?" I said walking towards her slowly. I guess she ain't hear me because she ain't turn around. I saw her take a deep breath and lean forward and I ran as fast as I could and grabbed her by her waist and pulled her off the bridge.

"Ria what the fuck are you doing!?" I yelled turning her towards me.

"Why!? Why did you stop me!? Its not point of me living anymore!!" she yelled tears rolling down her face. I looked at her shocked. She was breaking down right in front of me.

"Ria, what happened? Was it that fuck nigga Chase!?" I yelled. I never liked that nigga. He was straight up bitch material from when I first heard that nigga speak.

"Just leave me alone Rico!!" she yelled snatching away from me. She lost her balance and passed out, but I grabbed her before she fell on the ground.

I picked her up and walked to my car and leaned against it to open the front door. I put her in there gently and closed the door and ran to the other side and started the car. I looked over at her and shook my head. 'Damn shame.' I said to myself pulling off.

I ain't know where she lived so I just brought her back to my crib. It was about a hour away so I just drove there, not even trying to wake her up.

I got there and pulled into my drive way and cut the car off. I looked at Ria and she was still sleep. I shook my head getting out the car and walking over to her side. I know I told her I lived on the floor under hers, but I lied. I don't tell people where I really live. But when she wakes up, she'll know. I picked her up out the car and she snored a lil. It was cute and funny as hell. Then she let out a big ass snore. Like she just worked a 9 to 5 shift some damn where.

I walked into my house and went upstairs to the guest room and laid her down. I took her shoes off and looked at her. She snuggled the pillow and slept like she just wasn't about to jump off a bridge.

I walked into my room and laid down on my bed, I needed to know why her ass was finna jump. I decided to take a lil nap but my phone started ringing. I looked at the screen and it was my lil sideline Monica.

"Was sup ma?" I asked.

"You." she giggled. "I want to come over, and over again." she said seductively.

"Mm, is that right? Well why don't you swing by later? In finna take a nap right now ight?" I said tryna not get hard.

"Mm, okay. I'll be over at 6." she said hanging up. I looked at the time and it was 5 o'clock. I closed my eyes and shook my head letting out a sigh.


I woke up with a killer ass headache. I looked around and didn't known where I was. I got up slowly holding my head when I heard loud moaning.

'The fuck?' I said to myself. I walked out the room slowly and followed the moaning. I got to a door and heard it even louder. All I knew is that somebody was putting it down. I peeped through the crack door and saw Rico hitting some girl from the back!! I gasped and I guess they heard me and looked my way. I backed away from the door and ran back to the room I woke up in.

"Rico what was that?"

"I don't know, hol' up."

Next thing I knew he walked into the room with just boxers on, and still a hard on. I blushed and looked up at him.

"Why am I here?" I asked.

"Its a long story. You don't remember?"

"Nah, that's why I asked." I said rolling my eyes and picking up my shoes. I almost stumbled and Rico caught me.

"Sit ya smart ass down, you ain't going no where." he said.

"I gotta get home. My moms is probably flippin."

"Just call and tell her your at a friends house, your in no condition to leave yet so chill. I'll bring you some basketball shorts and a T-shirt." he said leaving the room. I guess who ever he was fucking got mad.

"So who is that bitch I heard!?"

"Stay in a sidelines place fo' I kick ya ass out."

"Man whatever fuck you Rico."

"You can leave if you mad cause I sure ain't gonna stop you." he said. He came back in with the clothes and handed them to me.

"Thanks." I said texting my mom. I didn't feel like talking to her.

"Welcome, now are you gonna tell me why you was finna do that earlier?"

"I don't wanna talk about it right now." I said with tears filling my eyes.

"Ight, but we will talk about it. Ima order something to eat, Chinese good?" he asked.

"Yeah its fine." I said smiling as he smiled back. He walked out the room and I changed clothes and laid back on the bed thinking about what would have happened if Rico didn't grab me..

Yay Rico!!!

Y'all knew it was gone happen >_> Lol.

But vote, comment and all that good stuff.

Much love ♥♥

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