Chapter Two.

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I woke up to hear some lady on the intercom telling  us to buckle our seatbelts in case the landing got a little rough. I did what she said and unplugged my phone and charger and put it in my pocket.

I took a couple of pictures of the sky and clouds. It was so amazing!!  Something that looks so simple from the ground it really such an amazing thing.

We landed and I got my bags and got off the plane. I felt a little groggy at first but got use to it. I walked in the airport and called my dad letting him know I landed safely. I could hear the sadness in his voice already and I swear it almost broke my heart.

"Dad, I'm fine. The plane was smooth. I'll send you the pictures I took later. Okay, bye I love you." I said smiling and hanging up.

I didn't think of getting my moms number, my stupid ass right? I walked towards the front of the airport and looked through my phone hopping I had my brothers number.

I didn't.

I called my dads phone, I guess it was dead because it went straight to voicemail.

Just great.

I looked around and tried to take in my surroundings. I mostly saw business people rushing to get in line, some families, then this cute dude. I guess he me starring and winked at me. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard my name on the intercom.

"S'erria Crews! Come to the damn front door. Me and momma ain't got time looking for yo short ass!' I heard my brother say.

"You better watch yo damn mouth!" I heard my mother say. I laughed and walked toward the doors.

I waited a couple of minutes and finally saw my brother and mom. He ran to me and picked me up and I instantly felt insecure. No one should pick me up. Ever.

"Terrell put me down now!!" I said punching him in his shoulder.

"Ow Ria what the hell?!" he said putting me down. He knows I don't like being picked up. Fuck wrong with him?

"Hey Ria." my mama said walking over to me hugging me. It felt good to hug her after 2 years. "Hey mama." I said taking in a deep breath.

"Oh so she get a hug, and not your own fleshing blood? Ya brother from the same motha." he said in his strong New York accent.

"Come here fool." I said laughing as he bent down and hugged me.

"Alright y'all come on, its chilly out here." mama said walking towards the car. "Ria you want to sit in the front seat or the back?" she asked.

"The back." Terrell shouted. I rolled my eyes and got in the front.

"I'm off work on Saturday so maybe we could have us a spa day and get to know each other." mama said starting the car. I didn't really do spas, I didn't do then at all, but I just smiled. I looked out the window at all the different billboards and traffic and different people!

I guess I was a lil too surprised because I heard my moms and brother laughing.

"Don't worry sis, you'll get used to it." he said patting my shoulder. I smiled and shook my head. I wasn't really much of a talker. We pulled up to this apartment building, it was huge. Terrell grabbed my bags and walked in the building. I looked back at mama when was still in the car.

"Ria I have to work this week, but Monday you got school. Terrell will show you around. And if he don't just give me a ring okay. Terrell!! " she yelled.

"Huh?" he said sticking his head out the door.

"Wait for your sister. I'll be back later. Love y'all." she said smiling.

"Love you too." we both said at the same time.

I walked with Terrell in the building and went to the elevator, and it looked broke if you ask me. "Is this safe?" I asked looking concerned.

"Girl come on, as many years I done lived here I know what's safe and what's not. I got you." he said stepping onto the elevator. I slowly got on, not wanting my weight to make it break. We went to the 6th floor and got off and walked all the way to the end of the hallway.

He unlocked the door and we walked in, and surprisingly it was decorated nice. Had two leather couches, with some end tables and a glass coffee table. The kitchen looked nice. I see where I get my decoration skills from. We walked down the hall and into a green room with a queen sized bed. It had a vanity mirror, a big one. And it had a nice size walk-in closet.

"Hope you like your room. Dad told us you liked the colors green and peach. But they didn't have any peach paint so we went with green." he said sitting my bags on the bed.

"Thanks." I said smiling.

"Your welcome, now hurry up. I wanna take you sight seeing." he said walking out the room.

"You don't have to if you don't want to."

"I want to, we got a lot of catching up to doo!" he yelled.

I unpacked my bags and decided to call my dad.

"Hey old man. I made it safely." I said.

"How was your flight? Did you take any pics?" he asked.

"Yeah I did, I'll send them to you later. Terrell's gonna take me sight seeing." I said.

"Okay baby girl. I love you be safe."

"I love you too old man, and I will." I said hanging up. I walked into the living room and saw Terrell sitting on the couch. I sat on the one across from him and looked around. This was a really cozy apartment.

"Why you so quiet?" he asked.

"I've always been quiet." I shrugged.

"Well that's gonna change. I'll be back." he said getting up and going in the back.

There was a loud knock at the door.

"Could you get that for me sis!?" he yelled. I guess he was in the bathroom. I opened the door and my jaw dropped. It was the most finest nigga I ever seen!

"Aye Wassup ma, Terrell here?" he asked looking me up and down.

"Yeah, he's in the back. Come in." I blushed. I walked back to the couch and sat down. He sat beside me and looked at me.

"So, you Terrell's new girlfriend or sum?" he asked.

"No, I'm his sister."

"Damn, hope I seeing some more of you." he said with a wink and standing up. "Yo Terrell! Fuck you at nigga!?" he yelled.

"Can a nigga piss in peace or nah?" he said walking towards us. "Oh Ria, this is my nigga Tj, Tj this my baby sis."

"Damn, she's younger than you?" he asked looking me up and down.

"By a year nigga, and don't get know ideas. She just moved here and she ain't looking for no boyfriends. Ain't that right Ria?" he asked looking at me.

"I'm pretty sure I can make my own decisions, thank you." I said standing up and rolling my eyes.

"Yeah, she yo sister." Tj said laughing.

"Ria you smoke?" Terrell asked.

"Nah, you?"

Him and Tj just busted out laughing.

"Come on y'all I'm hungry af. Aye, where is Mark and Cj at?" Terrell asked.

"They gonna meet us at the spot." he said. "Come on Ria, ladies first." he said with a wink.

This is gonna be a long day..

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