Chapter 2

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I sit next to Christina and Marlene. Zeke raises his hands, signaling us to quiet down. He tells us the rules and we start.

"Alright!" He says, with a drink in hand. "My place, I go first. Four! Truth or Dare?"

"Dare." Tobias replies. Truth would be too risky with him.

"I dare you to tell us your real name." Zeke slightly slurs, not officially drunk yet.

Tobias swiftly takes off his shirt, revealing his patch of Dauntless flames on his side, which I'd seen only a little earlier.

Tobias next asks Uriah.

"DARE! I ain't no pansycake!" Uri shouts.

"I dare you to play seven minutes with Marlene."

He nods an grabs Marlene's hand, who is blushing, and leads her to Zeke's guest room.

Seven minutes later, the game resumes, with Mar and Uri smiling at each other from across the room.

"Tris." Uriah says, turning to me. "Truth or Dare?"

"Dare." I say.

"I dare you to kiss the guy you have a crush on." He grins wickedly.

I slightly nod and get up, crossing to room to Tobias. I kneel down and kiss him on the lips, for a little longer than anticipated. He pulls back to see my face, and I see happiness in his eyes.

I blush, standing up to go back to my seat near Christina and Marlene.

"Where are you going?" Tobias asks, grabbing my arm. "Might as well stay."

I slightly smile, and sit down next to him, but he pulls me on to his lap.

"Woah there, Four." Zeke says. "When did this happen?"

"2 nights ago." Tobias says.

"And you didn't think to tell any of us?" Zeke asks.

"No comment." Tobias says, looking down at me, smiling.

I look up at him, and he quickly takes that to his advantage, and kisses me.

"Four! Four! Ugh, Four!" Uriah squeals.

Tobias breaks away, still inches from my face.

"What?" He practically whines.

"Quit kissing her, we have a game to play!" Uriah says.

"Your gonna pause because they say so?" I say, wrapping my arm around his neck.

I press my lips to his. He is taken aback, but soon kisses me. I hear someone get up, and I feel strong arms pull me away. I look to see Uriah, and glare at him as he drags me to my spot across the room.

Uri sees my angry face, and raises his hands in defense. "Christina's idea, not mine."

I turn my glare to Christina. "I'll get you back." I turn to Will, who's sitting next Christina. "So, Will, truth or dare?"


"I dare you to break up with Christina." I say.

He removes his jacket.

I need to work on my revenge.


After an hour, all of us have gotten a turn, and Tobias, Zeke and Shauna are all shirtless, and Marlene, Will and I are without our jackets. It's Zeke's turn.

"So, Four, truth or dare? Oh, and hint, it might have something to do with Tris." Zeke says.

I feel my cheeks get red, but Tobias looks calm.

"Dare." He says, confidently.

"Seven minutes. Tris. Guest room. Now." Zeke says with no emotion.

Tobias breathes deeply, and gets up. He walks over to me and takes my hand. We walk to the guest room, and he looks at me. He can tell I'm nervous from our talk before the rankings.

"You okay?" He asks, worry in his eyes.

I nod, tensely. Suddenly, I wrap my hands around his waist. He stands still for a second, before sliding his arms around me, clutching my back. We stay like that for a while, before he leans down and kisses me.

I kiss back, but after a moment, he breaks away.

"Tris." He says quietly, so only I could ever hear.

"Hm?" I ask.

"You made it." He whispers.

"I made it." I repeat, smiling, letting it sink in.

This was going to be the life I would live, and I was very happy about it.

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