Chapter 6

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The show ended around five o'clock and I was eager to get back to see if Cassidee was all right. More importantly, we needed to get tested and see if we were related or not. I ran off the stage with my band and saw that Cassidee was still by Eric's side. Only to be found sitting in a chair. Poor thing has to be tired.

"Was she all right?" I asked walking over and picking her up. She wrapped her arms around my neck and rested her head on my shoulder.

"Yeah, not a problem. I got her a chair because I figured she'd get tired of standing. Dude, whose kid is she?"

"If tests come back positive, she's mine."

"What?! Where's her mother at?!"

"We don't know? She just abandoned the kid on the doorstep at our hotel in Chicago. That's why I'm eager to get out there and find a nearby testing center I found."

"Understandable and I hope everything works out for you." Eric smiled.


I turned around meeting up with the guys and headed out back to the bus as I carried Cassidee in my arms. We walked out of the venue, getting closer to the bus, and stepped on once the doors opened up. Once I was on I placed Cassidee on the couch and pulled out my phone to contact this place.

"Hello?" A woman on the other end answered.

"Yes, Uhm, hello, I called about getting a DNA test done and the results would be sent to my home address?" I questioned.

"Oh, yes! And walk-ins are welcomed."

"Yeah, I was told that when I called the other day. Is there a specific time you close?"

"We are open to seven." I looked at my watch and sighed. Perfect! I have just enough time to get there!

"Thank you. I'll be there shortly."

I hung up the phone, placing it back in my pocket, and sat on the couch next to Cassidee. I felt the bus start itself up and then realized we have to make a stop so I can get this test over with.

"Hey, Rick?" I called.

"Yeah?" He raised his eyebrows walking out from the back.

"Where's the next stop at?"

"Michigan? I think. Why what's up?"

"I'm starved! We should see if there's something close by and grab some food."

"Yeah, I think there's an IHOP a few miles down the road from here. Now that you mentioned it I am getting hungry. I'll let the driver know we're going to stop there." He said walking towards the front.

"Awesome." I gave a thumbs up and looked down to see Cassidee had boredom written all over her little face. I wonder if I could get her to open up a little more to me.

"So, Cass?" She put her attention to me, smiling, and stared at me with her big brown eyes.

"Will you tell me more about Mommy?"

"Like what?"

"What was Mommy's name?"

"Sammy, but William always called her 'Samantha' when Mommy did something wrong."

Samantha? I don't know anyone named Samantha? Or Sammy?

"William? Who's William?"

"Mommy's boyfriend, but he's not nice, he bad."

What crossed my mind was when Cassidee mentioned William. Maybe Cassidee isn't my daughter.

"Why was he bad?"

All That We Have Left ((Chris Motionless Fanfiction)) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now