Chapter 37

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"Daddy! I'm home!" I heard Cassidee yell, running through the front door. She spotted me on the couch and jumped onto my lap. ''Look! Look!'' She pulled off her book bag from her shoulders and took out a piece of paper with a drawing on it.

''Wow! You drew us!?" I smiled, taking the paper.

''Yes! There's me, you and Sabrina.'' She pointed to the crayon-filled figures. I looked over at Sabrina, who gave me a small smile.

''You want to tell her?" She turned around and looked at Sabrina.

''Cassidee, I'm going to have a baby.''

''You're going to be a big sister. What do you think about that?"

''There's a baby in your tummy right now?" Cassidee pointed.

''Yes, they're still very small, but soon they'll grow and be ready to meet you.''

Cassidee got off my lap and walked over to Sabrina, lifting her shirt. She put her tiny hands to her stomach and felt around, trying to find this new baby.

''Well if they're small I call them Peanut.'' Cassidee smiled, poking Sabrina's stomach. ''Hi, peanut!"

''I'm glad someone's excited about this, unlike certain people.'' Sabrina glared at me.

Oh great! Here we go! Because if today at the doctors just wasn't enough for me! I rolled my eyes and watched my daughter talk to Sabrina's stomach.

''Come on, Cass, let's get your homework done.'' They walked into the kitchen and I grabbed a pillow, holding it over my face and growling into it.

''Dammit!'' I threw the pillow to the other side of the couch and grabbed the car keys.

''Where are you going?" Sabrina asked, poking her head out.

''Over to Ricky's. I won't be long.'' I grabbed my coat and walked out the door, getting into the car.

I pulled out of the driveway and drove down the street, heading to Ricky's. Once I got there I sat in the car for a few seconds and then got out, walking up to the front door.

I knocked on the door and was greeted by one of the twins. I see Ricky is on twin patrol for this evening. ''Chris!" He yelled, clinging to my leg. ''Daddy!''

''Hey! Milo let go of his leg.'' Ricky laughed, letting me walk in.

''I don't know how you tell them apart.'' I laughed, taking a seat on the couch.

''It's very simple. So, what has you over here?"

''It turns out I'm going to be a father again.''

''Wow! Congrats or is not a good time to celebrate?"

''I mean Sabrina and Cassidee are extremely excited about this, but I'm not sure how I feel?"

''You'll love it and who knows you might get a son. It's normal to feel unsure about parenthood at first, but once you stop worrying and doubting yourself everything goes ok. When I had the boys for the first night by myself, I was a wreck and I worried myself so much I barely slept. Hey, and don't forget you were like this when Cassidee was first left with you, now look at you.''

''Yeah! I screwed up several times and put her life at risk. I let her down when I promised I wouldn't.''

''Did you kidnap her? No, her mother did! You have to let that go, Chris. You've got this far with Cassidee and look how happy she is. I'd say you're doing one hell of a job and you're going to do better with Cassidee and your new baby.''

''I guess you're right. I do need to stop pissing and moaning about the past and start thinking about their futures.''

''See! You got this, stop worrying because things are going to be fine."

All That We Have Left ((Chris Motionless Fanfiction)) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now