Chapter 21

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The next morning I was sitting at the table when Cassidee came walking in. She pulled out the chair next to me and rested her chin in her little hand. I noticed that she looked off to me this morning, her color wasn't right.

I placed my hand to her head and noticed that she did feel a little warm, but nothing too alarming. I got up from the table and walked upstairs to the bathroom, getting some children's melt away aspirin. I came back down and handed it to her.

''Cassidee, I want you to take this. This will make you feel better.'' She didn't argue with me, she took the aspirin and placed it in her mouth. ''Are you hungry?"


''I take that as a no. Well, I want you to eat, so I'm going to make you some soup, maybe that'll help.'' I opened the pantry and took out a can of chicken noodle soup. I placed the bowl of soup in front of Cassidee once it was done and watched her barely eat.

''Daddy, I can't eat anymore.'' Cassidee groaned. I nodded my head and put the rest in the microwave.

''Come on, I'm making you a bed on the couch.'' I ran upstairs to her room, grabbing her blankets and pillows, and laid her on the couch, covering her up. I turned on the TV to cartoons and kept a close watch on Cassidee. My phone started ringing and I picked it up to see it was Ricky calling.


''Hey, are you busy today? I was thinking we could all go out to eat for lunch.''

''I can't. Cassidee's sick, she's a little warm and she could barely eat.''

''Ew. How's she doing now?" I looked over and noticed she fell asleep.

''Okay, for now, she's sleeping. If Cassidee doesn't get better in a day or two, I'll take her to the doctor's.''

''Good. I'm sorry she's under the weather, hope she gets well soon.''

''Thanks. So do I.'' I said, watching Cassidee sleep.


2 AM

I woke up to hear an awful sound, so I turned on the light and ran into Cassidee's room. I ran in and saw her sitting up and gasping for air. I slipped on my sweats and shoes and carried her outside to the car.

We drove off to the hospital and I pulled into the emergency room parking lot. I carried her in and walked up to the front desk.

''My daughter's sick! I need help!" The lady behind the desk ran to the back and returned with three nurses and two doctors. They took Cassidee out of my arms and wheeled her down the hallway. I tried to go back, but I was told to stay out in the waiting room.

For forty-five minutes I sat in the waiting room, biting at my nails. I was a complete nervous wreck to hear what the doctor was going to tell me. The door opened up and a tall male in a white coat walked out, checking a chart in his hand.

''Cassidee?" I stood up and walked over to him.

''Hi, I'm her father, Chris. Can I go see Cassidee?" He nodded his head and lead me down the hallway. He opened up the curtain to one of the rooms and I saw Cassidee laying there with an oxygen mask on her face.

''Hey, you.'' I smiled, walking in. She looked over at me with tired eyes and held out her little hand. I took her hand in mine and intertwined our fingers. ''So is this just the flu?"

''She has pneumonia. Good thing you came in when you did, it's pretty bad.''

''I had no idea. I thought it was just the flu or something.''

''It's normal to mistake it for a cold or the flu. So until she gets better, I want to admit her.'' I nodded my head and agreed with the doctor.

They took down all of Cassidee's information and then we waited for an escort. Escort service came and wheeled Cassidee down the hallway, going inside the elevator. We rode to the children's wing of the hospital and got Cassidee situated in her room.

''I want to go home,'' Cassidee complained.

''I know, I know. Before you know it, you'll be back on your feet.'' I smiled, resting my head on her bed rail.

''I love you.'' She said, placing her hand on my face.

''I love you too.''

All That We Have Left ((Chris Motionless Fanfiction)) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now