Chapter 22

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I woke up the next morning to see Cassidee sound asleep in her hospital bed. I stretched my arms and legs out and stood up, yawning. I stepped outside of the room for a quick second, looking for a nearby coffee machine. Just my luck I found one at the end of the hallway.

I looked back into Cassidee's room and then back down the hallway. I'd hate to leave her if she woke up for a split second and noticed I wasn't there, but then again I was in need of some caffeine. I walked out of the room and headed towards the coffee machine.

"It's no Starbucks, but it still gives you a pep.'' I turned around and saw a thin girl with pale skin and red hair, pouring creamer in her cup. I chuckled, taking out a styrofoam cup.

''As long as it keeps me awake, it works.'' I pressed down on the 'Start button.

''So are you visiting a family member?"

''No. I, uh, my daughter was brought in last night.'' I took my coffee and poured some creamer into it.

''Awe. I'm sorry to hear that. How old is she?"

''Five.'' I took a sip of the hot liquid and let it run down my throat. ''Is that why you're here too?"

''No. My friend is here with her son and I thought I'd visit them.''

''That was nice of you, hope the little guy gets better.'' I smiled.

''Thanks. I hope your daughter gets well soon too.''

I hope Cassidee didn't wake up and start freaking out because I wasn't there. ''Thanks. Sorry, I have to cut our conversation short, but I have to get back to her.''

''No problem. Maybe I'll see you again tomorrow.''

''Maybe.'' I smiled and walked back down to Cassidee's room. I quietly walked in and saw that she was still asleep. I sat down beside her bed and continued to drink my coffee.

A few minutes later Cassidee started stirring in her sleep and soon her little eyes opened up. She reached out and touched the oxygen mask on her face.

''Daddy?" She croaked out.

''Good morning.'' I smiled, resting my chin on her bed railing.

''Can we go home now?"

''Not until you're all better, but it'll be soon. Do you feel like eating this morning?"


''I'll take that as a no, but soon you'll have to put something in your belly.''

''Ugh!" Cassidee groaned, throwing the blanket over her head.

''Drama queen.'' I teased, giggling.

''Am not!"

''Are too!"

''Am not!"

''Are too!"

''Daddy, you snore.'' My five-year-old just completely flipped the entire argument!

''I do not snore.''

''Do too!"

''Do not!"

"Do too!''

''Do not!"

''You certainly do!" I turned towards the door and saw Ricky and the guys in the doorway.

''The child does not lie.'' Balz laughed, walking in.

''What are you guys doing here anyway? It's too early.'' I chuckled.

''We heard about Cass and figured we'd stop by and visit her.'' Ryan smiled, taking a seat.

''Cassidee, you have visitors.'' I poked her covered figure. She pulled the blanket down and the biggest smile appeared on her face when she saw the guys.

I knew Cassidee couldn't resist not seeing the guys, they always know how to pull her out of a funk. Another reason I was thankful for them.

All That We Have Left ((Chris Motionless Fanfiction)) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now