Chapter 40

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"What do you think Cassidee, does this seem back to school material?" I asked, holding up a red and white striped shirt.

"Ew no!" She scrunched up her face and walked over to another section of clothes.

It was now August, which means a whole new school year. Frankly, school clothes shopping with my daughter is not my best skill. I would have Sabrina do this, but the doctor told us that she could deliver any day and she should be home resting.

"What about this? It's purple, your favorite color!" I smiled, holding up a purple dress.

''As if.''

''When did you become such a diva?" I chuckled.

My phone started ringing, so I pulled it out from my pocket to see it was Sabrina calling. I hit accept for her call and nearly lost my hearing.

''GET HOME NOW! BABY COMING!" She screamed, shortly hanging up.

''Cass, let's hold off on school shopping for today! Your  little brother has decided to make his big debut.'' I said, grabbing her hand.


We rushed out to the parking lot, getting into the car, and heading home. Cassidee and I both got out and hurried inside, me running over to Sabrina, who was on the couch.

''Is the bag packed?"

''Yes!" She breathed, slowly standing up and lifting the bag.

''Call the relatives?" I asked, assisting her to the front door.


"What about-''

''Ask me one more question and I'm choking you.'' She glared.

I kept my mouth shut to the car and helped Sabrina get in, putting the bag in the back. I put on my seatbelt and started to pull out of the driveway for the second time today.




''OH MY GOD!" I smacked myself in the forehead and ran back inside, picking her up. ''I'm sorry, so sorry.''

I quickly strapped her into her car seat and got back in the front, driving to the hospital. I pulled into the parking lot, shutting off the car, and got out, helping Sabrina from the car. I grabbed Cassidee and the bag from the back and carried them inside.

''My girlfriend is in labor!" I exclaimed, walking up to the front desk.

A nurse hurried over to Sabrina with a wheelchair and helped her into it. She clasped a bracelet onto her wrist and wheeled her over to the elevators. We came to an empty room, where a nurse helped Sabrina into a hospital gown. She was put in the bed and soon was getting hooked up to her machines.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket to see it was a text from my mom saying she and my dad were headed over. I pulled over a nearby chair, sitting down with Cassidee in my lap.

''My mom just texted me, my parents are on their way over.'' I smiled.

''Good, good.'' She sighed, closing her eyes.


Thirty minutes later, my and Sabrina's parents walked in.

''How are you feeling?" Her mom asked, sitting at the foot of her bed.

"So much pain.'' She groaned.

''It'll be done and over before you know it and you'll have your baby.''

''This better be fast.''

''Cassidee, you're going to be a big sister, doll!" My mom smiled at her.

''I know! I get to finally meet peanut!" She smiled, raising her arms.

I smiled down at her and kissed the top of her head. She's going to be a wonderful big sister.


"Don't you ever touch me again, Christopher! EVER!" Sabrina said through gritted teeth.


''Shut. Up.''

''Okay, on this next contraction I want you to push.'' Her doctor said, making brief eye contact.

''Just think, our son is going to be here in a few seconds.''

''Shut your god damn mouth!" She hollered, twisting my arm.

A few minutes later, I heard my son's cries and I began to cry, smiling. The nurses laid him on top of Sabrina, wiping him off, and then took him to get weighed and more cleaned up.

"You were amazing.'' I smiled, kissing her forehead.

''I'm sorry for yelling.'' She sniffled, looking over at Mason.

''It doesn't matter.'' The nurses walked over and handed over Sabrina a bundle of white blankets.

''He's so little.'' She cooed, stroking his cheek.

''He's perfect, you did well.''

''We both did. Now come meet your father.'' I smiled, holding out my arms.

I gently held Mason in my arms and slowly rocked him, smiling at his tiny features.

''Hey buddy, I'm your daddy. How can you love someone so damn much you just met? It's incredible.'' I smiled. "You want to hold him for a second while I get Cassidee and our parents?''

''Yeah.'' Sabrina took Mason back in her arms and I walked out in the hallway. I came up to the waiting area and saw my bandmates had also shown up.

''When did- never mind, just come and see him.'' I smiled, leading them to the room.

We quietly walked in as I heard the many gasps from our mothers and the girls. My mother walked over and gently placed her hand on his head.

''He's gorgeous!" She cried, rubbing his cheek.

"Cassidee, come meet your little brother.'' I picked her up and set her next to Sabrina. "Cassidee, this is Mason.''

''Hi, Mason.'' She whispered, eyeing every part of him.

''You want to hold him? I'll help you and just be very gentle, okay.'' Sabrina said, propping a pillow underneath Cassidee's arms.

''You're so little!" Cassidee cooed, smiling down at Mason. ''I love you.'' She slowly lowered her face to his and gently kissed him.

''Awwe! That was very sweet of you.'' Sabrina smiled.


A few hours had passed, Mason had been held by both sets of grandparents and our friends, so now it's time for him to have a little rest and the same goes for me and Sabrina.

I was leaning back in my chair, with my eyes closed and head against the wall. This has been one eventful day.

''Thanks for making me a mommy,'' Sabrina said.

I opened up my eyes and smiled back at her. ''Thanks for making me a daddy..again.''

''It was so adorable when Cassidee met Mason today.''

''Yes, it was. She'll like him for now, but wait until their teens.''

All That We Have Left ((Chris Motionless Fanfiction)) [Completed]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant