Chapter 38

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"So what do you want it to be?" Sabrina asked as we sat in the examination room.

"Honestly, I don't care if it's a boy or girl,'' I replied, smiling. ''Just as long as they're healthy.''

''I want a girl, both me and Cassidee.''

''Yeah, she says that now, but then she'll wish she was an only child again.''

Sabrina just smiled and rolled her eyes at me. I don't know why I freaked out about this so much four months ago. If I could raise and come this far with Cassidee, what could one more baby do? I know it's going to be a lot of work, but I'm going to have a lot of support from my friends and family.

''Hello?" Sabrina's doctor smiled, walking in. ''How are you two today?"


''Let's take a look at your little one, okay?'' She smiled, lifting Sabrina's shirt.

The doctor pulled over the ultrasound machine and squirted that green-colored gel onto Sabrina's stomach. We looked over at the screen and saw the little figure moving around, doing various flips.

''Everything looks normal, perfect. Do you want to know the sex?"

Sabrina looked over at me and raised her eyebrows. ''Sure,'' I said, smiling.

Her doctor glided the transducer along her stomach and pressed a few buttons. ''Let's see, are you a boy or girl? There we go! Congratulations you're having a healthy baby boy.''

''A boy? Wow!" I chuckled a bit.

''Indeed it is a boy. Would you like a picture?"

''Sure.'' She pressed one of the buttons and printed out the photo of our unborn son.

I held the small picture in my hand and smiled down at it. I was getting a son! Best news I've ever got along with winning sole custody of Cassidee.

''You set up your appointment and I'll meet you in the car,'' I told Sabrina, walking out to the parking lot.

I got in the car and sat there, staring out the windshield with the biggest smile on my face. All that fear and anxiety over nothing a few months back.

''Chris?" I turned my head and saw Sabrina strapping on her seatbelt. ''Ready?''

''Yeah.'' I started up the car and pulled out of the parking lot.

''It's almost time to get Cassidee from school, so we might as well just go there now.''


''Will you stop saying yeah? Say something else!"

''Wow! A boy!"

''This has you excited, huh?"

''I mean I was just waiting for her to say the word girl. I get to have my little mini-me.''

''Well, now you'll have two.'' She smiled, patting my leg.

We pulled up to Cassidee's school and I got out of the car, waiting for her to come out. The doors opened and she and the rest of her class ran out, going to their parents.

''Hey, you!" I smiled, kneeling and opening my arms.

''Daddy!" She squealed, hugging me.

''Ready to go home?"

''Yes!" I opened the back door and strapped her into her car seat, closing the door.

I got back in the driver's seat, closing my door, and pulled away, driving back home.

''How was school today, Cass?" Sabrina asked.

''I painted a picture of a bunny and the teacher liked it.''

''She did?"

''Uh-huh! She put it up on the wall.''

''That's great!"

We pulled into the driveway and I got out, helping Cassidee with her straps. We walked inside of the living room and all of a sudden she stopped dead in her tracks.

''Wait! I have to talk to Peanut today!"

She threw her bag to the floor, running over to Sabrina, and placed her hands upon her stomach. Ah! Talking to the baby has become a daily ritual for Cassidee when she leaves for school and comes back.

''How would you like to see Peanut?" Sabrina giggled, smiling down at Cassidee.

''Come look.'' I smiled, pulling the picture out of my pocket.

Cassidee gasped and ran her fingers along the surface, smiling. ''Is it a boy or girl?''

''You're going to have a little brother.''

''Eww! No!'' She pouted, stomping her foot. ''You tell him to go back to where he came from! Bring me back a little sister!"

Cassidee stomped up the steps to her room and slammed the door. I looked over at Sabrina and raised my eyebrows.

''I'll talk to her,'' I said, going upstairs. I opened her door and saw Cassidee with her back facing me. I sighed and sat down at the bottom of her bed.

''I don't want a baby in this house anymore.''

''It's a little too late to say that. Why don't you want a little brother now?"

''Boys are gross and stupid!"

''Oh, they are not.'' I smiled, laying down next to her. ''I'm a boy and you don't think that about me.''

''Because you're my daddy."

"I'm telling you, Cassidee, having a little brother has its advantages.''

''Like what?"

''You can kick him out of your room anytime you want, boss him around. You'll get to go to high school first, drive a car and he'll have to wait for all that good stuff.''

''Then I won't be the baby anymore.''

''No matter how old you get, you'll always be my baby girl.''

''I'm happy about my little brother now.'' She smiled, hugging me.

''Good. I love you, my little graveyard baby.''

''I love you too, Daddy.''

All That We Have Left ((Chris Motionless Fanfiction)) [Completed]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt