Chapter 24

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Three days later Cassidee was discharged from the hospital and back on her feet. I don't know who was happier to be out of that hospital, me or her. Tonight I planned to take out the girl Sabrina I met at the hospital. I sure hope Cassidee doesn't freak out about this.

I was standing in front of the mirror, adjusting the buttons on my shirt when I saw Cassidee walk in. She jumped up on the bed and sat there watching my every move.

''How do I look?" I turned around, smiling. I was wearing a black button-down shirt, white tie, black dress pants, and shoes.

''Eh.'' Cassidee shrugged her shoulders.

''Eh? Eh!" I picked her up and spun her around, smiling. ''I'm not dashing or dapper?! Give your old man some positive vibes here girly!" She laughed hysterically as I twirled her around in my arms.

The doorbell ringing caused me to stop and I carried Cassidee down the steps. I opened up the door to be greeted by Allie and Ryan.

''Uncle Ryan!" Cassidee squealed, opening her arms. He laughed, taking her from me and they walked inside, closing the door.

''She already ate dinner, her bedtime is eight, and don't let her trick you into staying up later. Oh! Before I leave, at 7:30 she has to take one of her antibiotics the doctor prescribed.''

''Will do!" I grabbed my coat, slipping it on, and pecked Cassidee on her forehead.

''Be good and listen to Allie and Ryan.'' I smiled.

"Yep!" I picked up my car keys and walked outside, getting into the car. I sat there for a few minutes and looked at the front of the house. Maybe I shouldn't go? I didn't even tell Cassidee where I was going, let alone what time I'd be back!

I shook the thought from my head and pulled out of the driveway. I pulled up to Sabrina's house and got out of the car, walking to her front door. I rang the doorbell and waited for her to answer.

''Hi.'' She smiled, opening the door. She was wearing a black and white floral dress, black stockings, black heels, and a black jacket.

''Hi, wow! You look nice tonight.'' I smiled.

''As do you.'' She stepped outside.

''Ready to go?"

''Yes.'' She smiled, closing the door and we walked over to the car. I opened the door for her, closing it, and got in my side, starting the car. We drove off to the restaurant and took our seats once we walked inside.

''So how've you been?" I asked, sipping my water.

''Good. How about you and Cassidee?"

''Fine. Cassidee's doing much better, she's probably driving her uncle insane as we speak.'' I chuckled.

''I doubt it, she's a good kid.''


Ryan's POV

I was running around the house like a mad man, searching for Cassidee. She, Allie, and I decided to play hide and go seek, well apparently Cassidee won because we can't find her!

''Chris is going to kill me!" I said, flipping the couch cushions.

''She's around here somewhere, so let's not get too ahead of ourselves,'' Allie said, opening a closet door.

I ran into the kitchen and opened up the cabinets underneath the sink and opened up the pantry door to find nothing. If we don't find Cassidee by the time Chris gets home, he'll lose his mind.

''I'll lookout in the backyard,'' Allie said, opening the door and running out. I nodded my head and ran upstairs, going into Cassidee's room.

''Cass, you won! You can come out now!" I looked under her bed to see nothing. "Where are you?''

''Ryan!'' I bumped my head on the small nightstand and ran back downstairs.

''What?! Did you find her?''

''No! But I did get a text from Chris saying he's on his way home!"

''I'm going back upstairs.''

''I'll look in the basement.'' We split up again and this time I went into Chris's room. So many horrible thoughts went through my head about Cassidee or what Chris might do to me.

''Cassidee?'' I walked out into the hallway and opened up the cabinet where Chris stored his bath towels. I looked down and there on the floor, on top of a towel was Cassidee sound asleep. I placed my hand over my heart and bent down, picking her up.

''You're it.'' She mumbled. I carried Cassidee to her room and laid her on the bed. I turned off the light and walked downstairs to Chris walking in the front door.

''Hey! How was it?'' I asked.

''Good. I had a nice time. Why is my living room flipped upside down?" He asked, looking around.

''We were playing a game with Cassidee.''

''Did you find- Chris!" Allie yelled, running in.


''Was Cassidee good for you two?"

''Perfect angel! She's upstairs sleeping.''

''Did she take her medicine?"

''Yes. As I said, Cassidee was perfect.''

Chris thanked us as we said goodbye, walking out to the car. We got in and I let out a deep breath.'

''Oh my God! That was too close!"

''I'll say!"

Dress Sabrina wore-------------------->>

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