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(Published: 5/6/17)

Harry's POV:

I woke up in an unbelievably confortable bed, with Madame Pomfrey standing over me. The first thing I noticed, was that everything hurt. Bad.
The second, was that I was in the hospital wing.
And the third, was that Draco lay on the bed to the right of mine, pale and unconscious. If I didn't know any better, Id've thought he was dead...
When she noticed that I was awake, Madame Pomfrey grabbed a clear potion from the table next to my bed.
"Here," she said, pushing me back down as I tried to sit up. Man, it really hurt to move right now... "drink this."
I was too weak and confused to argue with her as she pressed a goblet against my lips and helped me drink.
My eyes grew heavy as the clear liquid slid down my throat, and my surroundings started to blur together. I thought I heard someone else talking, but wasn't sure. As I sank deeper into the warm hospital bed I was laying on, Madame Pomfrey replaced the goblet to my bedside table, and walked over to my right side. I assumed she'd went to check in Dray, and was going to turn to see if he was okay or not, but my limbs felt like they were full of lead, and, before I knew it, I'd fallen back asleep.

Draco's POV:

I'd woken just as Madame Pomfrey gave Harry whatever potion was in the goblet, and tried to call out to him. Unfortunately, I was too tired and weak, and only managed to groan a little. By the looks of it, the potion was some sort of sleeping draught, because by the time Pomfrey got to my bedside, Harry was sound asleep.
Madame Pomfrey checked my forehead for a fever, then my pulse, then she poured some more of the clear potion into a goblet.
I shook my head weakly, trying once again to speak, attempting to object, but she pressed it to my lips anyways.
"You need to drink this, Draco." She told me gently.
At this point, I suppose I was simply too tired from everything that'd happened to really put up a fight, so I allowed her to pour the potion down my throat. I allowed my eyes to grow heavy, and my body to relax atop the warm, comfortable mattress, and I allowed the soft blankets that covered me to warm me.
I finally just allowed myself, to sleep.

McGonagal's POV:

As I looked down at the two, pale boys on the beds in front of me, I couldn't help but realize just how drastic the situation was.
Death Eaters, in Hogwarts! If I hadn't been there myself, I'd have thought it to be a lie! That is, unless it was coming from Profesor Dumbledore.
As for how they'd gotten into the school in the first place, well, I haven't a clue, but we need to find out so that we could prevent it from happening again. And we'd find out soon.
Madame Pomfrey returned, and I took the opportunity to ask about they boys' conditions.
She sighed. "They've both suffered from the Cruciantus Curse, so the mental stability will vary. Add to that the hypothermia and the broken ankle and fractured wrist Draco has... well, I can mend those and treat the hypothermia, but any mental damage that's been done.... that can be difficult. Especially for Draco. He suffered more from the curse."
I nodded, still very much worried. "I will inform the Head Master." I told her, leaving the hospital wing.
What were we going to do?

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