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(Published: 3/26/17)

Harry's POV:

~ Time - Morning of Departure~

I doubled and triple checked to ensure that I had everything I'd need for the break. Let's see, wand, invisibility cloak, (just in case) toothbrush, comb, cloths, Marauder's Map, and, last but not least, I packed my gift from Draco. I'd promised not to open it too early, and I kept true to my word.
I hoped he liked the journal I'd gotten him. It was enchanted so that only the owner, and who he allowed, would be able to read it. I thought it'd be the perfect gift for him, but now I wasn't so sure. Sadly, it was far too late to get him something else. I'd given it to him on our goodbye date last night, when he'd given me mine.
Sighing, I hoped at least one good this would come out of break. Maybe Ron would finally forgive me. Not that I'd done anything wrong in the first place, but I was really getting sick of the harsh glares and lack of laughter. To be completely honest, I really missed Ron. With Hermione the only one around, all I really do is homework and talk about Draco.
Ron balanced that out. I now found myself purposely avoiding Hermione and going straight to Draco whenever I could. He was more like Ron, but also like Hermione in a way, and yet, he was like neither.
And sure, Draco was beginning to open up to me more and more, but not as much as I'd opened up to him, note quite as much as I'd like.
And it's not like he's changed, really. I would never want that. He's still strict at times, and every once in a while he'll scold me for something. But his teasing has become much less harsh and more as a friendly joke. Like it was just what we did. Now that, I liked.
I also enjoyed it when he opened up to me, and told me personal things. Like last night, he'd told me about how his father had once made him drink veritaserum when he had refused to tell his father about a fight he'd gotten into. The next day Lucious made Draco punish the kid who'd started the fight. It was a muggle boy, and Draco had to use magic to 'teach him a lesson' or something like that.
I walked down to breakfast, still lost in my own thoughts, and sat down across from Hermione and Ginny.
"So?" Hermione asked.
"So what?"
"So, you still haven't told us where you were the other night and morning! Were you with Draco? He wasn't at breakfast either."
"And I've already told you," I replied. "It's none of your business."
"Oh come on," said Ginny, "why can't you just tell us?"
I sighed. Because Dray doesn't want me to. I thought. But I knew if I told them that, they'd never let it go. It'd always be, 'Harry, you make your own decisions.' 'Harry, you can't let Draco run your life.' Etc.
"I just want to have something stay private." I finally decided on saying. "You don't have to know everything I do at every second of every day." And with that, I left to board the train early, hoping they'd have the sense not to follow me yet. I needed some time alone before spending the entire Holliday with them all. I know they meant well, but sometimes it was just too much.
Sometimes I just needed a break.

~ Time Skip - Almost to King's Cross~

I'd changed from my school robes to a pair of jeans and a t-shirt a while ago, and there was only about ten minutes until we reached King's Cross station.
The train ride had been long and silent. I know it had probably taken the same time as any other ride from Hogwarts, but this one somehow seemed to stretch on much longer than all the rest.
Finally, King's Cross came into view and the train rolled to a stop. As Ron, Hermione, and I joined the sea of students and parents on the platform, Mrs. Weasley came rushing excitedly up to us, Mr. Weasley in tow.
She quickly hugged each of us in turn, then Ginny, who'd shown up a moment later.
"All ready?" Asked Mrs. Weasley. "Have you all got everything you'll need?"
Ron sighed and rolled his eyes. "Yes mom," he said. "We're not first years anymore."
"Don't you take that tone with me!" Mrs. Weasley scolded her son, whose ears had turned bright red as he apologized. "Alright then." Continued Mrs. Weasley, "let's be off. We have a bit of a drive yet and I want to get you all settlers in as soon as possible."
With that, we left for the Weasley's, none but Mr. and Mrs. Weasley were excited for winter break.

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