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(Published: 4/2/17)

Harry's POV:

I looked at the vial of clear liquid in my hands. This was it. I mean, don't get me wrong, I loved Dray with all my heart, but, Hermione did have a point. If I was under the influence of a potion, I probably wouldn't know, and if I did, I might not even care.
I took a deep, calming breath, and downed the potion.
At first, nothing happened. Everyone was staring at me expectantly, but I still felt as in love with Draco as I did that day in the empty classroom.
Hermione looked confused and a bit horrified that she had been wrong, and it looked like Ron was about to say something when I suddenly felt the vial slip from my fingers and hit the floor. I couldn't breath right, and my knees felt ready to give out.
I felt weak, and Lupin came up behind me and helped me sit.
"Is this supposed to happen?" He asked. He looked scared.

Hermione's POV:

I watched carefully as Harry took the potion. We all did.
Absolutely nothing happened.
I can't believe I was wrong. I was so sure. I had everything! The facts, the signs! Everything pointed to a love potion!
Ron seemed ready to say something, when suddenly, Harry's face grew pale, and the vial fell to the floor.
I continued to watch as Harry swayed on his feet and Lupin eased him into a chair. I hadn't been wrong.
"Is this supposed to happen?" Lupin asked me, his expression both concerned and fearful. I walked over to where Harry was now sitting, and looked at him.
He was as white as the snow outside, and both of his hands were shaking slightly. My first thought was that Harry would vomit at any minute.
I gently took one of his still shaking hands, "Harry," I said. "What are you feeling?"
He seemed to think for a minute. "Awful." He said shakily. "I'm so sorry-"
"You don't need to apologize for anything." I told him firmly. I thought Harry was the victim more than anything else.
"Yes," he said. "I do."
"Why?" I asked carefully.
"I told Malfoy." He replied quietly. "I told him so much about that Order. Everything I knew, about Dumbledore, about the Order, he knows everything I do."
Everyone was silent for a moment, not knowing what to think, except Moody, who seemed unimpressed by this news. "This is why we don't tell you everything." He muttered.
"Mad-Eye," said Lupin in a defensive tone. "It's not Harry's fault."
Then, before the two could get into any form of argument in front of Harry, Mrs. Weasley stepped in front of them. "Now, I'll have none of this in my house." Turning to Harry, she added. "Now, Harry dear, no one in here blames you for anything. It wasn't your fault. Love potions often have strong effects on people, and are considered dangerous by the Ministry of Magic because they could be used for the same propose as the Imperous Curse. I'm surprised love potions haven't been outlawed yet."
I nodded. "It's true. You wouldn't have been able to feel all that guilty about telling Malfoy anything, because in your mind, he would've been innocent. No threat to us, even though his father is a known Death Eater."
Harry sat up suddenly, as though he'd just realized something. "I kissed him." Harry said, almost sounding dazed. He then wrinkled his nose and blanched in disgust at what he'd done under the potion's effects. "I think I'm gonna be sick."
"Same here mate..." said Ron, who looked a bit pale.
I rolled my eyes at Ron, then turned back to Harry, who'd actually been the victim. Placing a comforting hand on his shoulder, I said, "It's okay Harry. He's not likely to try a second time, and if he does, we'll be far more prepared. Plus I doubt Dumbledore will keep Malfoy in school after this."
Harry nodded, but he gave me an odd look that I couldn't quite place.
I soon decided that he just needed some time to adjust. Yeah, that was all.

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