38 - The End

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(Published: 6/25/17)

Harry's POV:

~Time Skip - Six Years Later~

I paced nervously from one end of the small room to the other.
"It's going to be fine, mate." Ron tried reassuring me.
"Yes," Hermione said, for once, in agreement with her husband. "Everything is perfect. Nothing will go wrong. We have every remaining member of the Order out there, not to mention all our friends and-"
I cut her off. "The security isn't what I'm worried about, Hermione." I sighed.
Hermione gave me a look that said she understood what I meant. "Harry," she said gently. "Draco loves you, and you love him. Neither of you are backing out now. This is your day! Be happy."
I nodded, then stopped my pacing. Checking my watch, I realized it was almost time to start...
"How do I look?" I asked, and Hermione laughed.
She walked up, and straightened my tie. "You look wonderful, Harry."
With a deep breath, I watched my two best friends in the world, one of which being my best man, walk out of the room, and prepare themselves for my wedding.
My wedding.
That still sounded so strange...
even though Draco and I have been engaged for the past five months, I couldn't imagine truly being married. We've been through so much together, and yet, just the though made the butterflies in my stomach do twists and summersaults.
Not that it was a particularly bad feeling.
I reajustes my tie, and checked my watch.
It's time.
The music starts playing as I walked down the isle.
Finally, I got to Draco, who's hair was in its usual pristine condition, and was dressed in a similar fashion as myself, a suit and tie. Only real difference was our little joke. I had a green tie, while his was red.
Before I knew it, we had said our vows, and our rings were placed on our left ring-fingers.
And then...
"You may now kiss the er-husband."
We kissed.
We kissed, and for that single moment, everything stopped. Nothing else even existed in the world other than Draco and I. Nothing else mattered.
Then, like coming out of a dream, I was aware of all my friends and family there, and I was Mr. Harry Potter. That's right, Draco was now a Potter. There is no way in the deepest Hell I was becoming a Malfoy. And, it's not like he was exactly proud of his family name. In fact, Dray had been pretty glad to get rid of it.
The after-party was amazing, we played both muggle, and wizard songs, and Dray and I danced to most of them. Really, just imagine the perfect, most movie-like dream wedding you can think up, and that's what it was. Absolutely perfect in every possible sense of the word.
That made sense. After all, just like the wedding, Draco is perfect too.

~Time Skip - eight years later~

"Harry!" Draco called. "Did you remember to pack Amber's lunch?"
I rolled my eyes. "Yes, did you remember Lilly's new folder?"
"Yes, and I've already given Adrian a bottle." He informed me, as he walked into the room.
I sighed. "What on Earth made you decide to adopt another baby?" I asked.
"Oh, you wanted him too and you know it." He replied busily.
"Yeah, I suppose you're right." I replied as Lilly and Amber both came bustling in.
"Daddies!" Lilly cried. "I'm going to be late!"
"Now Lilly," Draco soothed. "We wouldn't have you late for your first day of kindergarten. We just needed to feed your brother."
I looked at Amber. We had adopted her when she was seven years old, from a muggle adoption agency, not long after our wedding. Now that she was a freshmen, I couldn't believe how much she'd grown. As for Lilly, she was only five years old, and we'd had her since she was an infant. She was a witch, but Draco and I decided to raise her like I'd been raised. First as a muggle, then as a witch, but always aware of her powers.
Thank god Amber wasn't jealous.
Now we've adopted baby Adrian, another young wizard, and our house is fuller than it's ever been. Not that I'm complaining. I wouldn't trade any of this for the whole world.
"What are you staring at, Dad?" Amber asked. "Do I have something on my face?"
I laughed. "No. It's just, you're so grown up now... your first day of High School!"
She rolled her eyes and smiled. "I'm not grown up yet. I don't even know what I want to be when I get there!"
"And you have plenty of time to figure that out," Draco said. "But not if you aren't at school, which we are about to be late for. Harry, after you."
And with that, we buckled Lilly and Adrian into their car seats and made out way to their school, then to Amber's.
When she got out of the car, she turned back to look at us.
"I love you, dads." She said.
"I love you too." Dray and I spoke in unison.
And as I watched Amber walk inside the large building, I realized that I had never felt prouder in my entire life. Looking at Draco, I saw that he felt the same.

The End.

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