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(Published: 4/6/17)

Harry's POV:

~time skip - two days later, Christmas Eve~

I paced outside the door, feeling more nervous and guilty than I had in my entire life.
What should I say? Should I just leave? We'll have to talk about this eventually, right? Will I even be aloud in? We haven't been talking much for the last few months... there's probably still too much tension since the whole Malfoy thing. I should leave.
Before I actually chickened out, I knocked solidly on the door in front of me.
There was a flash of red hair, and a freckled face appeared from behind the door. Ginny looked a bit surprised to see me. Probably because I've been avoiding her and Ron for that past few days.
"Harry." She said, then smiled gently and offered for me to enter her room. I knew Hermione was downstairs with Mrs. Weasley, ensuring out privacy.
I walked in nervously, not yet knowing how I should act around her. I mean, she was with Dean now, so there was no going back together unless she broke up with him. And I defiantly didn't want that. Though, it was nice being with Ginny...
In all honesty, I wasn't really sure if I wanted to get back with Ginny or not.
"Hi." I said lamely.
"Hey." Ginny patted the spot next to her on the bed.
I sat down, making sure there was enough space between us. I didn't want her or anyone else getting the wrong idea, but Ginny just laughed. "I'm not going to bite Harry," she said gently.
I laughed lightly.
"So what did you want to talk about?" She asked, though I'd thought it would've been obvious enough.
"Well," I began, still a by nervous, "I was wondering were we stand."
"Were we stand?" Ginny asked, she then seemed to think about it. "Well, I'm with Dean now," she started.
"I know." I replied, again, not wanting her to think the wrong thing. "And I think you two are good together. But, I just want to know how I should act around you....I mean.... like," I sighed, discovering that this would be even harder than I thought, though Ginny waited patiently. "No hard feelings, right?" I asked.
Ginny looked at me for a moment, then said, "Harry, you weren't yourself. How could I possibly blame you for doing something you didn't mean, or want to do?"
I wasn't really sure how to react. She was so calm and collected, while I had been frozen at her door for a good ten minutes before I managed to knock, and that was only this time. I'd been trying for the past day to work up enough courage to talk to either her or Ron, but this was the first time I'd managed. Though, I had a feeling that her brother, bring the hothead he is, might not talk our little talk so well.
I rubbed the back of my neck, trying to find the right words to say, "Thanks." Was the only lame thing I could come up with.
Ginny smiled and laughed a little at me, then told me that I should talk to Ron, before she left her room. She just left. What girl purposely leaves a guy alone in her room?
Especially a guy who was her ex! Ginny really trusted me that much?
My thoughts were distracted as Ginny came back in, pulling Ron by the arm. Oh. So that's why. Okay, so that makes more sense...
Ron froze for a second when he saw me, then walked further into the room. "Hey." He said.
I nodded to him, still not fully knowing what to say to him.
Neither of us seemed to know what to do, and Ginny wasn't really being helpful. All she was really doing was standing at her door, giving us meaningful looks. That neither of us could understand...
What was worse, I had absolutely no idea how to talk to Ron anymore. No clue. Not one. And the more I thought about it, the more I realized how detached I'd really become since he hadn't approved of my potion-induced love for Draco, that I was so over...
But now that we were here, face to face, I had nothing to say.
I had nothing I could say.

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