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(Published: 3/5/17)

Sorry I'm a bit late on updating. A friend of mine sole my phone. I don't know what they were planning on doing with it, (probably selling it or something) but if your phone is ever stolen, there's a thing called a Find my Phone app, where you can track it and make it make a noise. Needless to say, we aren't friends anymore, but you probably don't really care about any of this so, back to the story!

Harry's POV:

I feel a little bad about having told Draco so much about the Order, but I didn't think any harm could come from it. I could trust Draco, after all. Even if Neville and Hermione don't think so.
I wondered why they'd think that. He hadn't done anything since we'd been dating to suggest that he was untrustworthy. Not that I knew of at least. Though, it could just be how he treated us all those years, but that was in the past. Draco was different now.
I was different now.
Maybe that was it. Maybe they thought he was somehow changing me. Whether in the muggle way of a bad influence or the wizard way of a spell or potion, maybe they thought that me acting a bit different was his doing.
But why?
Once again, the only thing I could think of was our past relations with him. And once again, that was the past.
I sighed as I made my way to potions, lost in thoughts the whole way there. At least until I took a seat next to Draco. Then he was the center of attention. My attention, at least.
Slughorn walked into class, and all talk stopped almost immediately.
"Hello, hello." He greeted us cheerfully. "Today I decided to do something a bit more creative with our time. You will each be assigned a different potion to brew, so there will be no possible chance to cheat. As to how I will pick what potion it is you will be making, I will use the old muggle way, of drawling paper out of a hat, in this case using a cauldron."
Slughorn walked over to the cauldron on his desk and waved his wand over it. A moment later, small slips of paper appeared, each with its own writing. Slughorn then began calling us up by name to pick from the cauldron.
Draco ended up getting the Draught of Peace, which he began to brew with some difficulty. I looked down at the slip of parchment in my hands.
Confusing Concoction, it read.
Not a hard potion to make. Too bad Draco got such a hard potion, while I was here, easily brewing a potion we had learned in our third year.
I sighed and began my work, mixing together ingredients and carefully measuring the temperature as I stirred. Finally, unlike in my third year, I got the potion to thicken properly and poured some into a vial to turn in to Slughorn. I got done long before Draco, since his potion was much more difficult, so I watched him, silently wishing him luck as he carefully brewed his potion.
By the end of the class, Draco had perfected the complex potion, and turned it in. I had full faith that he'd get a top grade for his potion, and that thought made me smile.
My thoughts began to wonder as we made our way out of the dungeons. I thought about tonight, when Draco and I would have yet another date, though this time would be the first time we'd be eating in the astronomy tower. I personally couldn't wait. Though, I was a bit nervous.
Tonight I'd have to tell Draco that I couldn't go with him for winter break. I didn't want to let him down, but I had to go with Ron and Hermione.
Dumbledore' orders, for safety reasons and such. We'd be staying at the Weasley's home for the break, though I didn't understand why we didn't just all stay at Hogwarts. Then Draco could ask to stay and we'd be able to be together. I sighed, knowing this wouldn't happen.
I'd have to tell him no.

Sorry it was so short, but it's quiz time!

Q: Where did Harry go on his fifth winter break at Hogwarts?

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