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(Published: 6/18/17)

Harry's POV:

"Harry!" Hermione shrieked, practically tackling me in a hug. "You're okay!"
"See!" Said Ron, who was standing behind her. "I told you he'd be fine!"
"Shut up, Ron!" She scolded. Then they both saw Draco, and in the silence that followed, you could've heard a pin drop.
Then Hermione ripped through the silence with the loudest, scariest lecture I'd ever heard in my entire life. Really. It was something worthy of Mrs. Weasley.
"Harry! What are you thinking? Being with him all this time! We have been worried sick about your wellbeing, and here you are, completely fine! Why are you even with him in the first place? After what he did to you! To the Order!"
I tried several times to interrupt her, and answer her question, but she just kept going, scaring all three of us as she began with the threats. Even Draco looked paler than he usually was.
Finally, when Hermione took a breath to begin again, I interrupted.
"He hasn't done anything wrong!" I yelled back, letting all my anger charge the words. "Don't you see how hard it must have been for him! When he made the anti-love potion for me, he risked everything! His family, his wealth, even his own life for me! And here you are, yelling at me for spending a single night with him!
"He's been through so much, and neither you nor Ron, or anyone from the Order will see that, will you?! And you know why that is? It's because you're all too stubborn to take a moment and look at him! I mean really look at him for who he is and what he has done, not the bad things, we already know all about that, but the good.
"Draco has taken the torchere of his parents, he's given up his powerful place with Voldemort, and has tried his best to make right everything he has done wrong in his life. Why can't you just see that, and give him a chance?"
"Harry," Hermione began, more calm now. "How do you know this is you talking? Hm? How do you know this isn't some spell or potion?"
"How do you know it's not?" I countered. "I haven't drank or eaten anything but food from the kitchens that I got myself. I mean, I may not have known the house elf who served me, but I doubt they would've poisoned it or anything."
Hermione bowed her head, looking ashamed. "Look Harry, I'm sorry I yelled, but I was worried about you all night, and here you are, with Draco, after he basically drugged you for months." She said. "But, you are right. I haven't been fair to him." Finally, Hermione turned to Draco, and extended a hand. "I'm sorry Draco. Now, if you want, I'll hear you out, and maybe we can figure out our next step."
Draco hesitated a moment longer, then took her hand and shook it firmly. "Thanks, Gra- Hermione. And I'm sorry about everything. All the times I've mocked you for your birth... I truly am sorry."
"Apology accepted." Hermione replied with a somewhat forced smile.
All the while, Ron stood awkwardly in the back, not saying a word.
"Weasley." Draco said, cautiously.
Ron took a few steps forward. He looked pale, and both nervous and angry, neither emotion worked to comfort me.
"So..." Ron began, first addressing me. "Are you two, like...friends..or..." his voice trailed off meaningfully.
Draco and I looked at each other for a moment, wondering the same thing ourselves.
"That's a good question." I said.
Draco nodded in agreement. "Well," he said. "I'd like to be a bit more than friends..."
I noticed how his cheeks reddened a bit as he said this, and couldn't help but think about how cute he looked. I probably had the dorkiest smile on my face, but I said it anyways. "Is like that too."
If it were even possible, Ron played even further. He looked as though he were about to faint.
"O-okay then." Ron said shakily. "Well...If Harry wants that, I suppose I can try to...not hate you. Don't get me wrong, I still think Harry's gone mad for dating you, but only because you're you. Honestly Harry, I can understand you liking any other boy, but Malfoy? I just don't get it."
I laughed and Draco rolled his eyes as Hermione lightly scolded Ron about manors.
And as she did so, I couldn't help looking between Draco and my friends, and thinking that maybe this would all work out.

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