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(Published: 2/7/17)

Harry's POV:

~Time skip - the next afternoon.~

At first I was upset by the way Ron was acting towards me, then I realized he wasn't just mad about me breaking up with Ginny. He was mad at me being with Draco too.
"Harry," said Hermione, when I tried talking to her about it in the library. "He's fine with you being with other boys, it's just, Draco hasn't really been nice to Ron and his family in the past, so it's harder for him." Then she paused, "Harry," she began slowly, "why do you like Draco so much? What is it you really like about him?"
I thought about it for a moment. "Well," I said, "I like...everything."
"Everything?" She asked.
I nodded. "I can't really explain it."
"Okay," Hermione said. "When did you realize you liked him?"
"A few days ago." I replied. "The day before I broke up with Ginny, actually."
Hermione furrowed her eyebrows, as though deep in thought.
"What's with all the questions anyways?" I asked after a couple of minutes.
Hermione looked back to me, as though startled that I was still there. "Oh," she said. "I was just wondering. You know, trying to think of something that'll help Ron get over the whole, Ginny thing."
I nodded, though I didn't quite understand.
"Hey," I asked. "What time is it?"
"Um.." Hermione checked her watch. "6:30," she said. "Why?"
"I've gotta go," I replied, standing from the wooden chair. "Draco asked me to meet him at seven."
"Like a date?" Asked Hermione eyebrows raised.
I grinned and shrugged. "I guess I'll find out now won't I?" And with that, I left to get ready to meet Draco.

Draco's POV:

It's been almost two full days, and it was time to renew the potion. I knew it'd where off slowly, starting around 7:00 or so, since Harry and I had met later at night, and it should wear off completely around the time I first gave him the potion, so I'd arranged a date with him under a tree near the lake. The sun had started to set with seven came, and Harry wasn't a minute late.
"Hey," he said, giving me a peck on the cheek.
"Hi," I replied, smiling. It took me a minute to realize that it wasn't an act, that it was a genuine smile.
I saw Harry's glasses reflect the sun, making his eyes look as though they were holding fire inside them. His skin turned almost golden in the light of the setting sun, drawing attention to his mop of dark hair.
Normally I wouldn't have noticed any of this, but this wasn't normal.
I had to focus. Stop dawdling, I scolded myself. Don't focus on how his hair sticks up in messy angles, or how he somehow manages to make it look cute... or the way his eyes glitter more in the sun than the lake, or...
oh god....

Harry's POV:

I arrived at the lake at exactly seven to find that Draco had placed a blanket under the tree and gotten a variety of foods including; ham and cheese sandwiches, (my favorite sandwich) pumpkin juice, treacle tart, (my favorite desert) and a small box of cauldron cakes.
I was so happy not only to see Draco, but also that he'd set this up for us, that I smiled, and gave him a peck on the cheek, only just managing to stop myself from tackling him in a hug.
"Hey," I said.
"Hi." Draco greeted me. "Come and sit." The blonde patted the spot next to him on the blanket, and I quickly sat next to him.
As we ate, we talked about the many things that had happened in the short time we'd been together. How Ron had been acting, how Hermione seemed to be supportive, and how the Slytherins had been oddly quiet on the subject.
"I thinks it's because they know who my father is." Draco explained, finishing his sandwich and offering me some treacle tart, in which I happily obliged.
"Well," I said between bites. "That's a good thing isn't it? I mean, they aren't bothering you are they?"
Draco nodded. "Yeah," he said, "I suppose it's a good thing."
When we'd both had our fill of the treacle tart, I started wondering about what Hermione had asked me. Why did really like Draco? After all, we'd just spend an entire date talking about others, and how they felt about us. Who does that? And since when did Draco and I get along anyways?
Draco must have seen the confused look on my face, because he quickly changed the subject, picking up the box of cauldron cakes.
"Do you want one?" He asked.
"Umm.." I said, still a bit distracted, but they did smell good... "Sure."
Draco picked one of the treats out of the box, and handed it to me. I paused for a moment before taking the first bite.
"Draco..." I said. "Why...Why do you like me, anyways?"
"What do you mean?" The blonde now seemed a bit nervous.
"Well," I replied dazedly, taking a small bite of the cauldron cake. "I...well I'm not sure, really. I suppose I was just wondering." I finished the cake and Draco gave me one more. I took in for the first time how amazing our surroundings were, and how breathtaking Draco himself. "I'm not...not sure. Um..." the thoughts seemed to disappear from my mind, and the tension left Draco's shoulders.
Everything was just so beautiful and relaxing, like nothing could possibly bother me, as a feeling of pure joy ran through me.
I soon found myself giggling lightly, and smiling dreamily at Draco, feeling absolutely giddy.
"Maybe you've had enough of these.." Draco mumbled, looking slightly amused. He was so cute when he was like that. He was cute a lot, actually.
"Hmm..." I sighed happily, "okay.."
Draco helped me to stand, and, after picking the blanket and food remains up, led me back to the Gryffindor common room. The whole way I was smiling, just happy to be with him, and when we reached the picture of the Fat Lady, I kissed him goodnight, which somehow made me feel even happier.
I was soon back in my warm bed, drifting off into a wonderful, dream-filled sleep.

Quiz time!

Q: What is the name of Voldemort's mother?

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