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Hey look, it's me being an idiot at the Lincoln Memorial!!⬆️⬆️
Ew, my hats weird in this pic.

(Published: 4/18/17)

~time skip - First day back at Hogwarts~

Draco's POV:

I looked around nervously, searching for that beautiful mess of raven-colored hair.
For some reason, I couldn't shake the piercing pain in my gut... but I knew this was for the best...
Turning around, I finally saw Harry...
And he looked furious.
"Harry?" I asked as he grabbed me roughly by the arm and yanked me forcibly into a nearby closet. "Harry?" I tried again. "What are you doing?"
He replied by whipping his wand out and pressing it onto my neck. "What did you tell them?" He asked, his voice barely about a threateningly furious whisper.
"Tell who?" I asked, knowing perfectly well who he was talking about.
"Don't play games with me, Malfoy!" He spat my name like it was the worst insult he could think of as he pressed his wand harder. I knew it'd probably leave a bruise.
I sighed the best I could while he was currently crushing my throat. "I haven't told them anything." I replied honestly.
"Yeah, right." Harry replied sarcastically. "Like you'd get all of that information from me just to keep it all to yourself."
The tone he was using was harsh, and it crushed my heart, but, once again, it...it was for the best.
"Why do you ask me things and then not believe the truth?" I questioned. Not that I expected him to answer me.
As I thought, Harry just rolled his eyes and stepped back.
Still sounding threatening, he said, "If anyone I care about gets hurt because of that information, it's your fault, and I will make sure you pay for it."
"Understood." I said calmly, and watched as he walked briskly out of the closet. When I was sure he was gone, and that no one else would come into the closet, I broke down crying. I kept telling myself that this was better, but I knew what would happen when the Dark Lord caught me withholding vital information... and it wouldn't be good.
But hey, at least Harry was safe.

Hermione's POV:

It felt unbelievably nice to have Harry and Ron finally eating breakfast with me again. No more awkward silences, or rude glares.
Just the three of us, together.
Although, Harry did seem a bit distracted....
"Harry?" I asked.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah." He replied, though he wouldn't look me in the eye when he said it.
"Are you sure nothings wrong?" I pressed again.
Harry hesitated, which managed to get Ron's attention. "Well," he said. "I spoke to Malfoy a bit earlier..."
"What?!?" Ron asked in a harsh whisper. "Are you crazy? What if he had done something? Or tried-"
"He didn't." Harry interrupted, sounding oddly calm. "We just talked, and I made it very clear as to what would happen if he tried anything..."
"And?" I pressed, knowing there had to be more to the story.
"And, he said he hadn't even given Voldemort the information. That he wasn't planning on telling him anything important..."
"He just lying to mess with your head." Ron replied quickly, and without any hesitation whatsoever.
I sighed. Why is it that anytime something remotely Malfoy-related happens, Ron feels the absolute need to jump to the worst conclusions? He really needs to learn to see a little farther past all the insults and feeling and focus on the truth. And the truth right now is that we don't really know what Draco has or hasn't done, nor do we know his full plan or intentions.
We need facts. Evidence.
That's when the idea came to me.
"Harry?" I asked again.
"Do you still have the gift Malfoy was trying to give you for Christmas?"
"Yeah, why?"
"Can I see it?"
"Yeah, why?" He asked again, this time sounding a bit more cautious.
"I just want to check on something..."
And if I was right, this would change everything we thought we knew...

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