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(Published: 3/9/17)

Harry's POV:

I met Draco in the astronomy tower at around 7, and couldn't wait for the sun to go down. I'd never actually seen the sunset from here, but I imagined it'd be great. Especially with Draco there.
We talked for a while, until I eventually decided to tell him I couldn't come with him over winter break.
"What?" He asked, sounding genuinely hurt. "Why not?"
"I have to go to the Weasley's. Dumbledore's orders." I replied sadly. "I really wish I could come, but I can't just ignore Dumbledore. Not after all he's done for me."
Draco nodded. "I understand." He said, and he smiled at me. "At least let me give you a Christmas present before you leave. Better yet, you can open it early, the day after you get to the Weasley's, or even the day you get there. I think that's a good idea. What do you think?"
We'd started our desert and I, once again, was feeling immensely happy, so, of course it seemed like a great idea to me.
I was right to think the sunset would be nice from up here. It was amazing, Draco thought so to, but sadly, the sun was soon down, and the beauty of it's setting was over, and Draco and I couldn't stay to enjoy the moon reflecting on the lake, since we didn't want anyone waking up to see that we were both missing. Too many awkward questions.
Draco and I headed to the Slytherin common room, talking about any random topic that came to mind. Well, he did most the talking. The only thing really on my mind was him, so I just listened, glad he was happy.
Draco had become more and more open the longer we were together, and had begun to show more emotion than before. He laughed with ease, and could talk to me if he had a bad day. He even told me about some of his personal life, at the Malfoy manor. And, believe it or not, it wasn't all that great.
His father, when he was around, was always trying to make him a 'proper Malfoy' or something like that. Telling him all about how Malfoys act and how he would disgrace his family if he did anything else. As for his mother, well, she didn't sound too bad. Draco knew she cared for him, but she was still always telling him the 'rules of being a Malfoy', as though they'd kick him out of the family if he did anything differently. Not that they wouldn't. They probably would.
Even Draco's friends didn't know him. Not really anyways. They all knew the perfect Malfoy, who was always behaving as a Malfoy should and expected no less than the best of everything.
I dropped him off at the door to the Slytherin common room, giving him a quick beck on the cheek before heading back to my own common room for bed.

~time skip - breakfast the next day~

I noticed Draco hadn't been eating much lately, aside from our dates that is. Like today, for example. All Draco was having for breakfast was a green apple. (😉😉)
I wondered was he wasn't eating, and hoped there was a way I could help him, but he always ignores me when I try to talk to him about his eating. I really hate it when I upset him, he doesn't need any more stress.
As I walked with Hermione to our first class, I asked her what she thought about the subject, and what I should do.
"Well," she began, thinking it over, "I personally think that if you've already tried talking to Draco about it, and he still isn't being honest, then you should find out for yourself. Do some research."
Right, I'd almost forgotten who I was talking to. Thank you Hermione, for reminding me that the answer to everything for you is research.
I sighed. "When I'm around him, there's nothing that seems out of the ordinary. Well, besides the fact that he's loosening up. And those damn looks..."
"What looks?" Hermione asked, sounding genuinely curious.
"Well," I began. "Whenever Draco thinks nobody's looking, I'll catch him with this look on his face. Like, he's fighting with himself over something. I don't know why he has it, but he looks so sad and confused, then a bit angry, and...and it just breaks my heart to see him like that Hermione. I don't know what to do, or what to say to him. Let alone how to comfort him."
Hermione seemed to ponder this for a moment before answering. "Then don't."

Quiz time!

Q: Where is Drapple from?

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