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(Published: 5/11/17)

Harry's POV:

I woke slowly, feeling groggy, and a bit disoriented.
I soon realized that I was still in the hospital wing, and Draco was still unconscious in the bed beside mine. Quickly grabbing my glasses from the bedside table, I realized it barely hurt to move at all.
I felt fine.
Sitting up, I stretched, then looked over to Dray.
He looked peaceful. It was odd, not seeing that irritated little crease between his eyebrows.
Madame Pomfrey walked in, and, noticing I was awake, she bombarded me a series of questions.
"I see you're awake, any dizziness? Dryness in your mouth? Are you feeling hot? Cold? Is there any pain that I should know about?"
"Um," I said, thinking carefully. "No, yes, my temperature feels fine to me, and no, there's no more pain."
This seemed to satisfy her, as she nodded, took my temperature for good measure, then told me I would be free to go in the afternoon, if nothing else was bothering me by then.
"Madame Pomfrey?" I asked.
"Is Draco going to be alright?" She'd been here almost half an hour, and he still hadn't woken up.
She looked at me, her eyes kind and gentle, but also sad. "I'm afraid he slipped into some sort of a coma, that I have not been able to wake him up from just yet. If he doesn't wake up sometime in the next couple of days, I will be allowing St. Mongo's to take care of him from there."
St. Mongo's!
"But, won't his father be able to get to him there? Or the other Death Eaters?" I asked, worriedly.
She sighed. "The staff at St. Mongo's know what they are doing, Mr. Potter. They will take good care of him, and won't let anyone do any harm to him. You have nothing to worry about."
I nodded, though I wasn't so sure. The Death Eaters weren't dumb. Sure, most of them were completely insane, but I wouldn't call any of them stupid. Well, okay, not many of them, at least.
But I knew they'd try to get to Draco, and finish the job. None of them were forgetful, nor very forgiving. Honestly, it was hard to tell what they'd do when they found him, considering they now knew were Draco and I stood with each other....
By then, were did Draco and I stand? We'd never really talked about it. And he did drug me... then there was the fact that almost all the Order would probably trust Wormtail before they trusted him, and that was saying something.
Then again, Dumbledore trusted him enough to let him back into the school after we'd told him everything...
That had to count for something...right?
"Are you okay, Mr. Potter?" Madame Pomfrey asked.
I nodded again, but I hadn't really registered what she was saying. Suddenly all I could really focus on was Draco being in a coma...
What if he never wakes up? What if the Death Eaters get to him and kill him?!? How can I possibly protect him from them?!
I couldn't breath... it was like everything was closing in on me, and I started hyperventilating....
Madame Pomfrey quickly disappeared, then reappeared with a shimmering-turquoise potion in a goblet.
She brought the potion to my lips. "Drink." She instructed me, and I did.
As I drank, my breathing slowed to a deep, but healthy pace, and both my mind and body relaxed. I was still aware of Draco being in trouble, but it didn't worry me all that much... Everything seemed fine.
Madame Pomfrey placed a hand on my forehead. "In case you're wondering, Mr. Potter, the potion I gave you was the Draught of Peace. You should have absolutely no trouble relaxing for the next few hours or so."
I nodded. "Okay.."
And she was right.

~time skip - four hours~

"Ugh, finally!" Ron exclaimed as Hermione and I followed him out of the Hospital Wing. "I thought Pomfrey'd never let you leave!"
"Ron!" Hermione scolded him lightly. "You act as though it was you who's been stuck in there for two days! And besides, Madame Pomfrey was only doing her job!" I noticed she used emphasis on the 'madame', and knew she was trying to remind Ron to show more respect, especially to the person who'd treat your wounds should something happen to you. And Hermione was right, Madame Pomfrey did deserve more respect around here. She really was taken for granted.
As we walked along the corridor, Ron continued as though he hadn't heard Hermione at all. "I bet you're more than happy to be out, aren't you, Harry?" He said.
I nodded, but it was a lie. Honestly, since that potion had worn off, I hadn't been able to get my mind off the fact that Draco was in a coma. What am I going to do to help him?
I'm not so sure the others would think it a particularly wise idea to go off helping the boy who'd gotten me into this mess...
But I had to try!

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