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(Published: 2/28/17)

Draco's POV:

I was alone in the common room, the fire bright against the dark walls of the dungeons. As I peered into the flames, my father's face appeared for the weekly assessment.
"How is everything?" He asked. "Any new information?"
I nodded, "But it should go directly to the Dark Lord." I replied. My father seemed to be offended. I internally scoffed.
As if that was new.
"Yes," he said. "But I can take it to the Dark Lord for you, Draco!"
"What? And take all the credit for yourself? I'll wait loyally for the Dark Lord. No one else."
Father nodded hesitantly, and left me. When he was gone, I sat in a chair to the left of the fireplace and sighed. What was I going to do? I can hardly believe it, but I think I'm actually developing feelings for Harry.
This is a very bad thing, I have one job, and I won't fail because of my feelings. Besides, I'll stop giving him the potion as soon as I get all the information I need. Hopefully including a location.
I walked up to bed, still thinking all of this over, and ended up going to sleep with the image of Harry's face in the sunset, the first time we went on an official date.

Hermione's POV:

~the next afternoon~

"I just don't see how two people who started out hating each other can be dating after all those fights." I told Neville. "Not without some sort of potion or something!"
"Well, you and Ron used to hate each other, and-"
"Ronald and I are not dating." I protested stubbornly.
"Okay," Neville replied slowly. "But I still think we should consider that this is natural. Sometimes opposites attract you know."
"Not like this!" I said. "They hate each other one day and the next Harry's practically drooling all over him!"
"Well, haven't you noticed the looks Draco gives Harry? I'd say he likes Harry to." Neville explained.
Draco had been giving Harry 'looks'? And that was all Neville had to go on?!
I sighed. "Fine." I said. "We'll consider that a small possibility."
Neville seemed to be okay with this, but we still had no way to see if Harry was under the influence of a love potion without making a powerful antidote for the potion, and Harry didn't even want us talking about his relationship with Draco, so how could we get him to believe us?
On the bright side, Neville was right about one thing. Winter break isn't that far away, and if we can keep Harry and Draco apart for just a few days, we'll finally see the truth. All we have to do now, is wait.
Unfortunately, the longer we wait the higher the risk is. If Harry is under the influence of a potion, then he could be giving away all the Order's secrets right now.
Then there was always the chance that Harry will try going with Draco over winter break, in witch case all of the planning Neville and I did, all the variables, and countless hours of brainstorming and gathering information will have been for nothing. This could very well be our only chance to do anything about any of this.
We can't mess this up.

Quiz time!

Q: What is the address of the house Harry inherited from Sirius? (The same house Dumbledore used for the Order's HQ.)

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