6 : "Houston, We Have a Problem"

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  • Dedicated to Everyone Reading ;D

I find it funny how some of you thought the previous chapter was the last xD

Ariana Grande as Summer and Glad You Came as the song choice.

E N J O Y ~

Chapter 6 : "Houston, We Have a Problem"

A loud banging noise woke me up from my slumber. Glancing at the clock on the opposite wall, I sighed loudly before falling off my bed. "Ugh!" I groaned, landing face-first onto the floor. Early mornings were not and never would be my thing, especially when woken up abruptly.

"Ella, wakey, wakey. I'm locked outy!" A familiar voice shouted on the opposite side of the door.

Pushing myself off the floor, I attempted to run a finger across my hair to remove some of the strands that fell into my face. Unfortunately, my tangled hair made the task impossible. I made my way over to the door. Opening it, Summer, my roommate, ran passed me and plopped down on the computer chair.

"Well, good morning to you, too," I mumbled, my voice sounding hoarse. I shut the door after her. "Where'd you go last night?"

"I was with my mom but nevermind that, what happened to you yesterday? You were at the mall for a while. I thought you hated shopping." She complained, swinging around in the chair. "I'm sure it doesn't take that long to look for an outfit," Summer added.

I sat upon my bed and watched her in the corner of my eye swing around wildly. Thinking about yesterday, I laughed, remembering the members of One Direction and the events that took place in the store.

"What's so funny?" She wondered, placing her feet firmly on the floor, preventing herself from swinging around more. Summer lit up in excitement. "Oh, I know that smile! You met a boy?!"

This girl is always skipping to conclusions but this time, she wasn't entirely wrong. "Five boys, actually."

Her brown eyes widened as she stared at me. They filled with amusement before she burst into laughter. "Wow, the boldness!" She exclaimed, slapping me on the arm playfully after rising from the chair.

Rubbing the area she hit, I pursed my lips. "It wasn't even like that, we were just hanging out."

Furrowing her eyebrows, she turned away from me to face the computer screen. "Sure," she dragged the word out before continuing, "texted you a billion times last night, by the way. By you not replying, I now see how much our friendship means to you." Waking the computer up, she double-clicked the internet shortcut on the desktop.

I knew she was joking, but what I didn't understand was why my phone hadn't gone off at all. Standing up, I reached into my butt pocket where I last placed it, only to come up empty. My heart rate increased when I tore the comforter from my bed. My eyes quickly darted around its entirety. I failed to find it and was full-on panicking, pacing the small area between our beds to think back to the last time I had it when an idea struck me.

"Can I borrow your phone?" I asked Summer, walking over to her to place my hand out beside her head.

"Yeah, sure. Be quiet, I'm on Twitter."

She quickly placed her phone in my hand in one swift motion and continued her scroll through Twitter. I dialed my phone number and began pacing the area again. Hearing the dial tone, I listened carefully hoping to hear it ring in the room.

It continued to ring until I was suddenly met with complete silence.

"Ella," Summer started to say.

I ignored her and listened carefully. Few chuckles were heard before someone cleared their throat loud enough for me to hear. 

"Ella, your name is trending on-"

Annoyed, I shushed her with the hopes of hearing the person on the other line. My mind immediately thought it was stolen and they opted on trolling me.

"Hello, you've reached Superman!" A familiar voice yelled into the phone, making me pull it inches away from my ear. "Ella Strauss left her phone with One Direction, may I take a message?" 

"Ella! For Christ sake, your name is trending on Twitter!" Summer shouted.

"Summer! If you don't -" Thinking about what she just said, my eyes widened in shock. "What?!" Running over to her, I stared at the computer screen with my knees threatening to buckle beneath me. I prayed that it was another woman named Ella Strauss and not me. But she was telling the truth. Along with the trend were various pictures of me standing with One Direction. I couldn't form a coherent thought.

"Hello? Ella, are you still there?" The boy asked into the phone.

"Harry?" I guessed.

The boy on the other line laughed. "No, darling, it's Louis."

I heard a couple more chuckles. I frowned. "Care to explain why I'm trending on Twitter? Oh, and why the heck do you have my phone?"

"You dropped it in the limo last night. Our group pictures went viral, Ell. People were curious," Louis replied, his tone a little more serious. "And we ... tweeted about you as well."

I cursed under my breath, causing Summer to look at me with a curious expression written on her face while straining to listen to the conversation.

"Have dinner with us tonight!" Someone shouted in the background.

At this rate I was going to I want to be known for and labeled as 'The Girl Who Got Trapped With One Direction.'  Sighing, I shook my head, trying to get rid of the urge to see them again. "No, that's not such a-"

"Please!" All five of them begged into the phone.

"Fine, fine" I mumbled.

"Okay, we'll give you your phone back afterward. Pick you up outside at seven!" Louis yelled excitingly, hanging the phone up before I could say anything further.

Shaking my head, I placed Summer's cell onto the computer desk, her eyeing my every movement. I cast one last glance at her before taking a seat on my bed. I stared ahead at the Marilyn Monroe poster she had on her wall.

What in the world did I get myself into?

"Care to explain?" Summer interrogated. She re-entered my line of vision by sitting on her bed. "Your name is trending on Twitter with pictures of One Direction, and here you are sulking about it? "

I laughed at that. "If you were in the situation I'm in, no you-"

I was cut off by loud banging on the door, few girls hollering on the other side of it. They begged me to come out, wanting to know how my experience with One Direction went. I didn't move. The shouting grew louder and was accompanied by a few others. I silently thanked God for not having any classes today and not having to face whatever that is.

"Go away!" Summer shouted, running over to kick the door. 

My eyebrows furrowed at her actions. Was that supposed to be threatening?

They only continued. She walked back over with a shrug. "It was worth a try."

I laughed and waited until she sat down again to begin telling her of the events that took place yesterday again over the shouting beyond the door. She listened intently with a huge grin on her face once I finished. It seemed she was more excited than I was, jumping around, her red hair flopping around with her.

"That's- that's amazing!" Summer said while squealing in excitement.

I couldn't help but grin and think about what might take place during our dinner.

[Edited 23 June 2020]

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