40 : Picture Perfect [s.e]

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Chapter 40: Picture Perfect


I hate him.

I tried to keep my focus on the words that was printed in the book. I was reading the words on the page, but problem was I didn't understand what any of it meant. My mind would wander instead of focusing on the meaning of the words. The text he sent me kept returning to my mind and my curiosity only grew with it. It was vague, uninformative and ugh,

I hate him.

There was a three paged study guide I needed to complete and haven't even started. I was already behind as is. At this point I could literally drown in all the assignments that piled up. I might as well drop out now and become a stripper.

Oh yeah, I definitely hated him.

I quickly scanned the page in the text book before allowing my eyes to wander around the library before they landed on the girl sitting across from me - Ella. Her lips were placed in a thin line, fingers rested against her face and elbow on the table for support. She sighed before flipping a page in the packet she had placed on the table before her. I was sure she was just as stressed as I was. Maybe even more so because of recent events. I mean, have they even spoken?

My mind trailed back to the article I found online of Harry and Ella. I hated most articles about them because they were false, but this one in particular was right on the money. The picture that first appeared was of them when we arrived after the cruise. The beautifully photographed picture of Harry carrying Ella bridal style was captured at the right time. They were staring deeply at each other with far more emotion than anyone could imagine. As a plus, not once did that article mention Lauren. Their main point was to prove that Hella is a real thing and boy were their receipts on point. They loved Hella just as much as we did. We're all rooting for them; so much so that as of now a plan is being formulated that I unfortunately know nothing about because Niall isn't giving me any details!

A plan is in motion! His text read. Thing is, he sent it 30 minutes ago and I'm still here wondering what that plan could be.

"You're staring." Her soft voice filled my ears and I quickly snapped back to reality. With an eyebrow raised, her green orbs bore into mine. I was expecting her to return her attention back to her papers, but she continued to stare and I didn't want to be the one to break her gaze. That'd make me look weak! As if reading my mind, her lips curved into a small smile and a look of mischief filled her eyes.

She's challenging me.

I pursed my lips and squinted my eyes at my best friend. There was no way in hell I was going to lose. And I would have, if my phone didn't vibrate loudly against the table. Her eyes landed on my phone and mine soon followed. 'Neil Horan' popped up on the screen and in one quick motion I picked up my phone to answer his call.

"Mhm?" I answered returning my attention back to Ella. She was staring down at her papers.

"I'm outside. We need to discuss operation Hella," Niall told me.

I didn't reply. Instead I quickly gathered my things with the phone in my ear being held in place by my shoulder. I tried to look panicked as I got my things together. I needed to form an excuse to leave, a good one so Ella wouldn't get suspicious and I knew just the thing. I rose to my feet as I placed my bag on the desk and zipped it up. With my frantic actions, I knew I had Ella's attention now.

"You've got diarrhea? Oh, babe. I'm on my way," I breathed out in a soft, sad sounding voice. I threw my bag over my shoulder and glanced down at Ella who nodded in understanding as I sped my way out the library. Niall's laughter filled my ear and it took everything in me not to break down into laughter.

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