10- Betrayal

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Anna's POV

I woke up, and Tinus was next to me, snoring. I couldn't help but giggle at how loud he is! I quietly got up and changed.

I went downstairs to eat breakfast, and left a bowl of cereal for Tinus when he wakes up. I finished quickly, then went to get my phone. I checked the time. It was 9am. It's 9am!! We're late for school! I shook Tinus, waking him up. "W-What?" He says sleepily. "We're late for school!" I showed him the time on my phone. His eyes widened and he jumped up and quickly got dressed. He ate the cereal I left for him, while I packed my bag. We ran to Tinus's house so that he can get his bag, and ran off to school!

We went to the office to get late slips, and ran to Homeroom. We quietly opened the door and sat down, everyone staring at us. I looked up to see a man leaning on the teacher's desk, smiling. I guess he's a substitute teacher. "Good for you 2 to join us!" He said, and started talking again. The bell rang, and as I got up Poppy came up to me. "Why were you and Martinus late?" She whispered. "I slept over at his house, and his alarm didn't go off, and I didn't have one set on my phone, so I woke up and saw that it was 9 so I woke him up and now we're here!" I whispered back. "Ooooh! You and Martinus a thing?" She smirked. I shook my head and smiled. Then Amber came up to us. "Poppy let's go! Class!" She said, glancing at me, but ignoring me. That was weird! Amber usually says hi to me or something! I walked towards the door, Tinus behind me, but we were stopped by the teacher. "You 2! Come here!" He called. We walked to his desk, really nervous! "You were late! Why?!" He snapped. "Our alarms didn't go off. Sorry." Tinus said scratching the back of his head. The teacher shook his head. "You will NOT be late in MY class! Now, I'm gonna fill you in on what you missed." He said in a disappointed tone. "My name is Mr. Benit, and I'll be filling in for your teacher for the next while. Her niece has been diagnosed with lung cancer, stage 2. She'll be off for a month or 2 to take care of her niece, so I'll be here instead. I hope while I'm here I won't have to have you 2 come in late again, because I DO NOT appreciate late students. It shows me immaturity, and irresponsibility! If you are going to be late again, write a note or email to me in advance. My email has been sent to the parents of everyone in this class. Go to your next class now, and tell your teacher that I needed to talk to you." He said in a strict voice. Tinus and I walked off to our lockers to get our books. We have pre-calculus next. My FAVOURITE class!! (Note the sarcasm) We walked down the hall, talking about Mr. Benit, and then went into the classroom. Our pre-calculus teacher is really nice! She doesn't mind if you're late, and won't give you lots of unnecessary homework, unless there's a test coming up! Least favourite class, but one of my favourite teachers!

Skip day until Lunch

I walked down the hall, towards the door leading outside, where I eat lunch. I was stopped by someone pulling me into the washroom as I passed it! It was Emily! "What?" I asked out of breath since I was surprised. "Poppy and Amber. In Science class they were talking about you. It wasn't good things." She explained. "No they wouldn't do that! What kind of things did they say?" I asked. I find this really hard to believe! They've been my best friends for years! "They were talking about how over dramatic you are, with your depression and anxiety, and how they find it extremely annoying! They also said that you're such a loser and they feel bad so they're pretending to like you!" She explained. Tears filled my eyes. My 2 best friends hate me?! I ran into a stall and locked the door. I sat on the toilet and cried into my knees. How could they do that to me?! Was it both of them that told the school about my dreams?! Emily was banging on the door yelling "Open up Anna!" but I wouldn't open it. The banging stopped and I heard Emily run out of the washroom. Then someone called me from the entrance. "Anna? Are you ok?" IT sounded like Mac. "No I'm not!" I sobbed. I heard someone walk in, then close the door and lock it. Then I heard knocking on the door. "Anna please open the door." Mac said calmly. I ignored him. Then he slid under the door and sat down next to me on the floor. "Emily told me you were upset and wouldn't stop crying. Are you ok?" He asks. "No! Poppy and Amber are saying bad things about me behind my back! They're saying how I'm a loser and I'm over dramatic because I have depression and anxiety!" I sobbed. He put his arms around me. "I'm so sorry. They're jerks. You don't need them." He said quietly. I calmed down and rested my head on his shoulder. "Um....you have anxiety and depression?" He asked. Uh oh! I didn't mean to tell him about that! I nodded. "Yeah. 2 years now." I said quietly. "Why didn't you tell me sooner? I could've been there for you instead of watching bullies bug you!" He said. "Because......I was scared." I said. "Scared?" He asked. "Scared that you and Tinus would think I'm a freak, too, like everyone else thinks." "We would never think of you as a freak! You can trust us! I promise." He said and hugged me. "Don't tell Tinus! Please! I'll tell him." I begged. "My lips are sealed." He smiled. I smiled back and we got up. I cleaned myself up while he unlocked the door to go outside.

Marcus's POV

I locked the door because I was going into the girl's washroom, and I'm not a girl. I didn't want anyone to see me in here. I unlocked the door and opened it, to find a crowd of people around me, shouting and laughing at me! Then Poppy and Amber walked through the crowd. "Marcus! What were you doing in the girl's washroom with Anna?!" Amber asked and smirked. "See what we told you?! Looks like some stuff went down in there!" Poppy laughed. Then Anna came up beside me. "We weren't doing anything in here!" She said as she walked towards Poppy and Amber. "All he was doing was comforting me after I found out that YOU talked shit behind my back!!" She yelled. The girls froze. "Yes! I know what you said! I know you were the ones who told the whole school! I know that you both are the reason why I get bullied here!" She screamed. Everyone backed away, looking terrified of her. "How about you all do something useful instead of following these 2 pieces of shit?!" She yelled. Then everyone walked away. She turned back to me. I was stunned! She looked upset! She ran off outside. I ran after her. We got to the door and I stopped her from opening it. "I'm not scared of you. Just.....surprised! I wasn't expecting that!" I smiled. She smiled back and hugged me. "Thanks." She said. I smiled. We both walked out to the field, to see Poppy and Amber talking to Tinus and Emily.

Oooh! A long chapter! I'm starting to write the first chapter for my new story, so I'll let you know when that comes out! Love ya!🖤

Q: What's your opinion on Poppy and Amber?

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