18- I'm So Done

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Months Later

Emily's POV

I recovered from the surgery, and ended up remembering all of my friends and family, but I forgot where I live and my name and things about myself like that! Everyone helped me recover from that and my memory came back last month! But just because everything was ok for me, that doesn't mean that everything was ok for Anna. She and Sam had to move out to New York because of their mother's new job. They just left yesterday. I know it's gonna be hard on Anna, when she found out she was moving she would lock herself in her room and let no one in except for yesterday. I know it's also gonna be hard on Mac, Tinus and I. Especially Tinus, he loves her so much. He's been balling his eyes out since she left and won't talk to anyone except Mac and sometimes me. Tinus has been shutting everyone out and I'm not sure why. I mean, I wouldn't be shutting my friends out if my boyfriend moved away. I would want my friends to comfort me. So, when I woke up, I went downstairs to the kitchen to see Mac (I was sleeping over at their house). "Morning." He said gloomily, tossing his apple up and down. "Morning." I replied. "Any word from Tinus?" I asked while grabbing an apple from the basket on the counter. Mac shook his head. "Nothing. He didn't even come up to our bedroom last night. Didn't leave the basement. He's still there." Mac added. I nodded with a look of sympathy. "How are you holding up?" He asked me. "It's ok. Of course I'm upset because my first and best friends moved out of the country, but I'm not as upset as Tinus." I explained. "How about you? How are you and Sam?" I asked. It hurt me so much to ask him about Sam. I really like Mac, and I have for a while now. "Anna and Sam were so different from other girls. I'm gonna miss them of course, but there's always social media and texting. Sam and I are just friends, nothing more, nothing less. We're still gonna text like every day, and I'm really gonna miss her. It's all ok though, I'll be ok." He said. I smiled. "I'm gonna go check on Tinus." I said. "Good luck." Mac joked. I smiled and left the kitchen. I started walking down the stairs to the basement. I could hear Tinus crying. I turned the corner and saw him sitting on the couch, watching The Notebook, and crying. There were 3 ice cream containers on the table and tissues everywhere. I jumped over the back of the couch and onto it, next to Tinus. "Not doing too well, huh?" I asked. He shook his head, sniffling. "Look, I know it's gonna be hard being in a long distance relationship but-" He started crying even more, shaking his head. "Are you ok?" I asked. Shook his head. "Tinus, talk to me." I told him. He just continued sobbing. I sighed and went upstairs. I went into the kitchen, Mac was still there. "Anything?" He asked. I shook my head. "He's not saying anything. When I mentioned that it'll be hard being in a long distance relationship, he started crying even more." I told Mac. He nodded. "Let me try." He said. I nodded as he left.

Mac's POV

I went downstairs to the basement and sat down on the ouch next to Tinus. "Tinus, what's up? I know this is really hard, but shutting out your friends and staying up all night watching romance movies and eating ice cream isn't gonna make anything better." I told him, kind of harshly. When Tinus is like this, you gotta be kinda harsh with him, otherwise he'll just completely shut you out. "Anna-" He started to say. "Anna, broke up-" He started sobbing again. "She broke up with you?" I asked, concerned. He nodded. "Couldn't handle (sniff) the long distance." He said, starting to cry again. "Oh Tinus." I said, comforting him. I hugged him. I stayed with him and watched The Notebook with him. I texted Emily, telling her what happened.

I'll talk to her

I said ok and turned off my phone until the movie was over.

Anna's POV

We just got into our house. My parents started to unpack while I walked down the street to this field of grass. I sat on a tall hill and just cried. I broke up with Tinus before I left, because I knew I couldn't handle the long distance. I feel so bad, he's probably crying so much rn. I've been crying a lot, too. On the plane, in my sleep, and on the drive here. Sam came up the hill and sat down next to me. "I'm sorry Anna. Everything will get better, I promise." She said, hugging me. Then my phone went off. It was Emily.

Emily: Bold

Anna: Italic

Why didn't you tell me you broke up with Tinus?

Idk, I just didn't have the time. It was really last minute

He's really hurting, crying non-stop! He's been in the basement all night, with no sleep, watching romance movies and eating ice cream!

I would too, if I had a tv and ice cream

Maybe you broke up with him at the wrong time

I don't even know anymore. Everything is just so confusing

I think you should text him. Tonight

I'll try

You will

I sighed and turned my phone off. I told Sam what's happening. "Maybe Emily's right. Maybe you broke up with him at the wrong time. You love him, don't you?" She asked. That really pissed me off, of course I love him! I stood up and yelled at her, "Of course I love him!!" I screamed. Then she stood up. "Then why would you break up with him?! We don't live that far from them! What long distance?! It's 3 hours!!" She yelled back. I clenched my fists. "I-" I stopped. "At least I know where I stand with the boy I love! You and Mac have no idea what you're doing!" "Don't you dare get Mac into this!" She threatened me. "I just did! Oh no! Am I bullying you? Why don't you go cry to your 'boyfriend'!" I used finger quotations when I said boyfriend. "He's not my boyfriend!" She argued. "Then what are you?! You don't even know! You hurt him! You said no when he asked you out! You just think that you can play with people's hearts like that?!" I yelled. SHe looked offended. "You played with Tinus's heart! He loved you! And you left him! For no reason!" She screamed. "I'm so done with this conversation!!" I rolled my eyes, turned around and ran down the hill and down the street. I have no idea where I'm going, I just wanna be far away from my sister.


Wow I updated! I'm so so sorry for not updating all summer, I'll get back into it!

Q: Do you think Sam & Anna are gonna make up soon, later, or never?

Q:Do you think Anna made the right choices in this chapter?

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