7- Dance Date

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Usual morning routine! Ugh why is my life so boring?! So we have a spring dance in about 2 weeks. Poppy, Amber, Emily and I are going shopping for our dresses, well Poppy and Amber will get dresses. Emily and I haven't been asked yet, and that's the rule at school! Guys ask girls, girls can't ask guys! Our school is very into stereotypes like that! Anyway, I'm walking to Emily's house with Amber. Emily doesn't know the way to school, and she gave me her address so I could show her the way. We got to school and I saw Marcus & Martinus so I went up to them. "Hi!" I said smiling. Woah! I like never smile! I've been feeling so different lately I don't know what's happening! "Hi!" The twins said in unison. "So the spring dance is in 2 weeks." Marcus says looking at the ground. "Ya. You guys got dates yet?" I ask. They both shook their heads. "No. We're too scared to ask anyone. We're too scared of getting rejected and embarrassed. Plus, no one would want to go with us, we're still new here and no one really knows us." Martinus says. I nodded. "You guys will find dates! You still have a bit so don't worry!" I smiled again. Martinus looked at me confused and winked at me friendly. Ok??? I don't know what that means but ok???

1 week later

It's been a week and I'm about to leave school right now. I just put my books away and I'm walking towards the entrance. I suddenly feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn around quickly and find........Martinus. He's smiling at me so I smiled back. "Hey! Can I walk home with you?" He asks. I nodded. "Sure! Where's Marcus?" I asked. "We got in an argument and now he doesn't wanna talk to me." He says quietly and looks at the floor as we started walking. "What happened?" I asked. "We both wanted to ask the same girl to the dance, and we were fighting over her." He says. "Oh. I hope you guys make up before the dance! Not that I would know if u did." I looked at the floor. "What do you mean? You're not going?" He asked. I nodded and looked at him. He looked back at me. I was looking deep into his brown eyes, and then quickly looked away from shyness. "No one has asked me yet." I said looking at the ground. "How?! How could no one have asked you?!" He asked. "Because I'm a loser. I'm ugly, shy, stupid, look at me! Who would wanna go to a dance with a freak like me?!" I say crossing my arms and looking down again. Martinus out his arm around me. "Anna you're not any of those things! You're not stupid, ugly, a loser! You're not!" He says as we look at each other. "At least not in my eyes." He says. He still has his arm around me, and he pulls me closer to him. "Thanks. I really needed that." I smiled. "Just speaking the truth." He says. We laugh. "So....since all that was just said......" he says. I look at him. "Will you go to the spring dance with me?" He asks and smiles. I'm shocked! SOMEONE ASKED ME TO THE DANCE!!! Even better, it's Martinus who asked me!!!! I smiled and nodded. "Yes!" I say and hug him. He laughs. We continue walking home with his arm around me, talking and laughing. Now it's just Emily that needs a date, and I know who to talk to!

Yay!!! I was able to upload! My foot is fractured, as you may know, and I didn't think I would be able to write but I was!! I'll be wearing a walking boot for a couple weeks so I'm sorry if I don't upload for a while since I'll be distracted from that! Love ya!🖤

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