16- Confessions

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Martinus's POV

I started crying right then and there, and quickly untied her hands. I ran around the chair to her and held her, crying and screaming. How could this happen?! To Anna, of all people! A man put his hand on my shoulder. I looked up at him. He looked like Scott. "I'm Scott's brother. I was pretending to want to hurt Anna to stay in here. She's not dead. He is." He pointed to one of the men trying to hurt Anna. "Anna must be sensitive to gunshots. I get why, she has had depression for a while and thought a lot about suicide." He added. "Did you shoot that man?" I asked, sniffling. He nodded and smiled. "Anna will be fine, she just passed out from fear. It's happened before. There was a robber down the street from my house when Anna was 6. She was sleeping over at the time, and the robber robbed a convenience store down the street. When the police came, the robber was shooting people, there was a lot of gunshots. Anna passed out when she heard them." He explained kindly. I looked back at Anna. I feel so bad for her, her depression, wanting to commit suicide, she lived in fear probably since that day when she was 6. I would! I picked up Anna and gave him to Scott's brother. "The name's Andrew, by the way." He smiled warmly. I turned to Scott, who took his leather jacket off. "I'm done with this wreck! I'm calling Daniel, see if we can stay with him!" He said to Andrew as he pulled out his phone. "Daniel is Anna's dad." Andrew whispered to me. I nodded.

Sam's POV

Mac came out by himself and explained the gang and Anna's uncle and all that. Then we heard a gunshot! Mac was trying to run back inside, but Emily & I held him back. He can't get hurt! He started crying as we brought him down the front steps and onto the lawn. He sat there, sobbing. Emily and I kept telling him everything was going to be ok, let's just hope we're right! We were sitting on the grass when Anna's mom parked right in front of us. "Get in!" She called. "Martinus & Anna will be fine!" She added. We got into the car and she explained how she got a call from her brother-in-law Scott, explaining what happened. "Anna can explain it to you better than I can." She added. We drove back to Anna's house and hung out for a bit, waiting for her and Martinus to come.

Daniel's POV

I was at work when my phone went off. It was my brother, Scott. I declined the call and texted him to call Alyssa, my wife.

Anna's POV

I opened my eyes and saw Martinus, looking at me, smiling. I couldn't help but smile back. I slowly sat up and put my hand on my head. "What happened?" I asked. Martinus smiled at me and gave me a hug. I was caught off guard at first, but then hugged him back. "I was so worried earlier, you have no idea!" He said. I smiled. "Well, you don't have to worry anymore!" I smiled and released the hug. He smiled back and helped me up. I got up and turned around to see Uncle Scott and Uncle Andrew smiling. I didn't smile back. They're part of the gang that kidnapped and tortured me. Their smiles faded and they explained everything that happened, then I smiled and hugged them when they finished. "We left the gang, and your mom was ok with us staying with you for a while, until we can get some money and buy our own house." Uncle Andrew said. I nodded and smiled. Then we made our way home to '3 psychopaths and my mother!' Martinus's words, not mine! In the car ride home, I made everyone listen to Why Don't We the whole time! I re played 2 songs over and over again: Something Different and Taking You! Martinus eventually got into Something Different and was jamming out with me, while my Uncles laughed at us! I'm kind of a big fan of Why Don't We, in fact, I'm going to their concert in July!

We got home and I went up to the door. Before I could knock, Mac opened it and hugged me tight. I hugged him too, then Sam, Emily, and Mom. Then my mom ran into the kitchen and came out with a cake. Oh no, this has always been my least favourite part of the year! She placed the cake on the table and everyone started singing 'Happy Birthday'. Yes, It's my birthday, and I'm now 15. For some reason this birthday was a lot more enjoyable than my others, I usually hate them! But this one was ok, with Sam, Emily, Mac & Tinus! When I finished eating my cake, my phone rang. I ran upstairs to answer it. "Hello?" I asked. "Anna, it's your therapist. Your mother has told me that you are scared to tell your new friends about your dreams, you should explain to them everything! It'll help you if you have close friends supporting you in this! Please, tell them!" He said. I sighed. "Ok, I'll tell them." I said nervously. "They'll understand, Anna. They won't think you're weird. I know how much they love you and how much you know them!" He said. "I'll tell them now." I repeated. "Good! And Happy Birthday!" He exclaimed. I said thanks and hung up. I called my friends into my room. "Guys, I have to tell you something." I said quietly. They all sat down on the floor with me, in a circle, and listened. I told them about my precognitive dreams, how they're about Mac & Tinus, and how I passed out the day I met them because I relived one of them, and how I was too scared to tell them because I get bullied for them! Mac & Tinus stared at me in amazement. "Wow! That's really weird!" Tinus exclaimed. I nodded in agreement. "We'll never treat you differently, you haven't blacked out in a while because you relived your dreams, so you'll be fine, right?" Mac asked. I nodded. "It doesn't affect my health, it's something with my brain. I could possibly have psychic powers, but since I only relived my dreams once or twice, I probably have very little psychic abilities, but still very rare abilities. I haven't had to go to therapy since Tinus and I went to get ice cream, I was there right before." I explained. They all stared at me in amazement and then we avoided talking about it for the rest of the night, and played some soccer in the backyard and stuff! It was a fun birthday after I got home, and I'm happy to have told my friends about my dreams! It feels like I just lifted so
much weight off my shoulders!

I'm laughing so hard at the Why Don't We part😂 speaking of Why Don't We, I rewrote the sequel to New House, New Friends, New Life, and I uploaded the first chapter! I edited the previous chapter so idk if anyone got a notification that I published it, so if u didn't u should go read it! If u have any ideas let me know, I tend to run out of my own! Love ya🖤

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