11- Dad

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Anna's POV

I walked behind Poppy and Amber and stood between them. "What are we talking about?" I said in a friendly-sarcastic way. Then Poppy and Amber walked away. "That's what I thought!" I yelled at them. We all sat down and ate. "We heard yelling in the hall. What happened?" Emily asked. Mac and I explained what happened. Tinus and Emily looked shocked. "I'm sorry that happened to you! Just try to ignore them!" Tinus said hugging me. "I have anxiety and depression. They were talking about it and how annoying I am because of it." I said quietly. They both nodded. We finished eating, then went back to class. "So, you have anxiety and depression? I'm assuming it's really bad." Tinus said as we were walking to Science. "Yeah it is. 2 years now." I said. He nodded and smiled. I told him what I told Mac: How I didn't say anything because I was scared that they would think I'm a freak. "We would never think that! I promise!" He smiled. I smiled back as we headed into Science.

Skip to end of day

I was walking towards the front entrance when my phone went off. Why am I always stopped while leaving school? I answered it. "Hello?" I asked. "Hi anna! It's your father! I'm pretty sure your mother already told you that we're coming back and stuff, so we're coming back today! We'll be home by midnight, so we'll be there in the morning!" He said cheerfully. "Yay!! Is that surprise coming too?" I asked. "Yup! Your mother told me about the twin boys you're helping around the school and neighbourhood! What are their names? What are they like?" He asked. "Their names are Marcus & Martinus and we're really close! Some stuff happened at school today, I'll explain tomorrow, and I'll explain Marcus & Martinus more tomorrow too! Is it ok if they sleep over tonight?" I said. "Sure! We'll see you all in the morning! Love you Anna!" He said. "Love you Dad!" I reply. I hang up my phone and got scared by Tinus! "What the heck?!" I said. "Sorry I couldn't resist! So we're really close, huh?" He smirked. I laughed. "I guess, I don't know." I said awkwardly. "I think so!" He put his arm around me. Then Marcus came up beside me. "I heard it too." he laughed. I smiled as we all walked home. We got home and had snacks. Then did our homework, and watched movies and played video games. By 10pm, we decided to go to sleep, so I took out my sleeping bag, and decided who's sleeping in it. I said I would sleep in it, so that they could sleep in my bed, but Tinus didn't agree. Mac said that he would take the sleeping bag, and Tinus and I sleep in my bed. We were ok with that, so we went to sleep.

Next Morning

I woke up to someone blowing in my face. I opened my eyes to see Dad in front of me smiling! "Dad!" I yelled and hugged him tight. "Hi Princess!" He said. That's his nickname for me. I let go and saw Tinus and Mac awake and sitting on my bed. "Guys this is my dad, Dad this is Marcus & Martinus." I smiled at them. They shook hands and then Mom walked in. I hugged her and then she shook hands with the twins. "I have a surprise for you! Come downstairs!" She said. I looked at the twins nervously. "Something tells me that I'm not gonna like this." I said to them. They laughed and we went downstairs. We had breakfast before the surprise, then when we all finished Mom and Dad went outside. When they came back in I was shocked! I couldn't believe my eyes! I literally rubbed my eyes to make sure I was seeing correctly!

2nd chapter today!!! I was asked to update again so here's the next update! Make sure to answer the question on the other chapter! Love ya!🖤

Q: What do you think the surprise is?

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