12- Best/Worst Day Ever

357 15 14

Anna's POV

Isttod there, frozen, completely in shock! I can't believe what's standing in front of me! "Anna, this is your new sister, Sam!" Mom says cheerfully. Sam and I hug each other as if we were internet friends meeting for the first time! We squealed and hugged more. Then I saw Sam look behind me. She was staring at Mac & Tinus. "Who are they?" She whispered to me. "My friends!" I whispered back and we smiled at each other. "I'm Martinus!" Tinus says happily, shaking Sam's hand and smiling. "And I'm Marcus!" Mac smiles. "Mac? Tinus? Can I talk to you for a sec?" I ask. They nod and we go into the kitchen. "You have a sister!" Tinus said surprised. "I know!" I said. "But, I knew I wasn't gonna like this that much. What if she gets all the attention from my parents? Or if she gets popular at school and then everyone makes fun of me and calls her 'The better half"? I'm worried." I said. Mac hugged me. "We'll give you all the attention you need! And Sam will never be 'The Better Half'! You're equals and you can't forget that!" Tinus says and joins in on the hug. I nod and let go and we walk back out into the living room. "Anna, Sam is going to be getting the extra room next to your bedroom. The one that no one is allowed to go in." Dad smiles. I nod. Were they planning for Sam to come? Did they know? Sam and I ran into my bedroom and talked. We got to know each other and found that we have hardly anything in common! We happened to be born on the same day, at the same time, so we're technically twins! I asked her how she was in Poland. "When we were born my parents died so I needed to be sent to Scotland to live with your grandparents. Your Mom & Dad were friends with my Mom & Dad so my grandparents called your parents and asked if I could live with your grandparents. I know it sounds really confusing! I don't know what happened to my parents and I don't think we'll ever find out, so it's a mystery. I lived with your grandparents my whole life, the grandparents you didn't see that often. They would always come here and you never went there because of me. They were supposed to raise me in secret, so that I wouldn't get any friends or know anyone. I was homeschooled and never went outside. They weren't trying to be mean, it's just that I had to go with your grandparents or go to an orphanage. When I was 11 I went to an orphanage, since that was the deal your grandparents made with the orphanage, and I wasn't available for adoption until about a month ago, and your parents adopted me. It was all planned when I was born." She explained. I'm in complete shock! "Wow!" Is all I managed to say. "What's your story? Your Dad told me you have bad depression and anxiety and dress in really dark clothes." She asked. "I got depression and anxiety from bullies and stuff, and it got really bad about a year ago, when my friends told everyone a secret of mine. Obviously I didn't know it was my friends who told everyone, and it turned out to be both." I explained to her everyone at the school and my dreams and therapy and all that. I told her she has to keep it all a secret. She agreed and we went downstairs to eat, since we were talking for hours! When we finished I spent the rest of the day out with Mac & Tinus, since Sam had to stay home with my parents and figure out how to decorate her bedroom and stuff. The twins and I went to the movies and watched Boss Baby, Martinus was laughing so hard a couple times! We were walking out of the theatre to run into......Liam. "Well, who do we see here?" He asked and walked towards me. "Someone got friends?" He said in a baby voice. "Shut up Liam!" Mac yelled. Liam shoved him. "You shut up!" He yelled back. Then he focused on me. "How have your dreams been doing? Still dreaming about these stupid Norwegians?" He asked in a teasing way. I got so angry at him I screamed in his face and slapped him! He got mad at me and tried to punch me but Tinus blocked it and Liam pushed him away. He tried again to punch me but before he could I kicked him where the sun don't shine and helped Tinus and Mac up and we ran back home! We got inside, exhausted, and I packed my bags. Since I was gonna get plenty of time to hang out with Sam, my parents wanna hang out with her for a bit. So, I'm sleeping over at Mac & Tinus's house! We ran over there and had dinner and talked about Sam and my Dad and all that! We fell asleep while watching a movie! This was one of the best, and worst, days in my life! I know I've been saying that a lot, but it's true!

Sorry I haven't updated in a while! I'll try my bet to update more but I've been studying for a math test and science test! They're both done now so hopefully I'll be able to write more! I'm not on my computer so I can't put a proper cast list in, so here you go!

Amber- RandomFangirl715
Poppy- PoppyBloor
Anna- Me ( name from annagunnarsen710 )
Martinus- Himself
Marcus- Himself  marcusandmartinus
Sam- My friend
Emily- gabziella12
Liam- no one

If I missed anyone I'm sorry and just comment if I missed anyone! Love ya!🖤

Q: Anna and Martinus need a ship name HELP?

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