This is Important

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Ok! I feel like if I ask a question in a chapter I get 0-3 answers from ppl!! Everyone else just says more! Come on guys! It's not that hard to type a work or sentence answering a question! Even if I ask questions in the authors notes about new stories and ideas I get no answers!! U r able to type "more" so y r u not able to type a word or sentence answering a question?!

This is not directed to anyone specific and I'm not saying that everyone does this! There are readers who answer my questions, and if something bad is happening that's not related to the story **cough* like my foot injury **cough* there will be some ppl who say "get better" or "I hope ur ok"!!

So, I'm not saying that u can't write that u want more, u can 100%! Just maybe u could also answer my questions, too!

With that being said, I want to start a new story. It's not a fan fiction, it's just a story that I want to write and have lots of ideas for. So comment what u think! And I mean ACTUALLY comment!

When should I start it?
Should I even write it?

Also, in my first fanfic, New House, New Friends, New Life, I need 6 more ppl to comment on the last part that they want a sequel! If I get 6 more ppl, then I will start a sequel!

Remember what I said about the commenting! Plz answer my questions!!

I might update Dreams & Reality later today if I can! Now plz go and comment on my other fanfic if u want a sequel! And comment here if I should start a new story!

Thank you! Love ya❤

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