[26] - a step forward in time

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Before you read this I have three things to say;

The first is that it skips forward 9 months.

The second thing is that I have a book update schedule

Friday - bad decisions
Saturday - dreamers
Sunday - texting 2

The third.. and the most important is that this is THE LAST CHAPTER

Considering on how busy I am there might be more than one update of a book on the day

Okay continue on with the story!!


The screaming of Sadie travels throughout our room as my body is snuggled into Justin's side, his arm protectively wrapped around my waist.

"I'll get her baby", Justin whispers in my ear, his groggy morning voice causing a smile to appear on my lips. I simply nod before rolling off him and onto my stomach.

I hear Justin walk into the other room before his voice is heard over the baby monitor. "Hey baby, shh don't cry baby", he softly says making me swoon.

"Mommys sleeping right now so we need to be quiet", he continues and her cries shortly become small whimpers. Slowly but surely Justin returns to the bedroom with a sleeping baby in his arms.

He walks over to the crib in the corner of our room and places her inside. I smile at him and he returns it before leaning down to kiss me.

"I'm just gonna go piss, damn I pee more than Dee", he hisses grabbing his...package through his boxers. I look at Dee as she silently sleeps.

I hear Justin groan as he...well...ya know...pees. After washing his hands he walks back in and snuggles under the comforter. His hands wrap around my waist as he spoons me from behind, his hot breath hitting my neck.

"Wanna go out for breakfast", he says lowly trying not the wake the baby. I nod as I trace his arm tattoos with my pointer finger. My ring glistens in the small amount of sunlight that is shining through the curtains.

"I can't wait to marry you", he whispers placing soft gentle kisses on my shoulder. "And I can't wait to marry you baby", I coo turning in his arms and planting a kiss on his lips.

He smiles into the kiss as our lips move in sync, his hands firmly grasping my butt, a squeal leaving my lips. He chuckles at my reaction before pulling away. He kisses my lips a couple more times before looking at me.

"I love you, so fucking much. I mean look at us, we've been through so much. And now look at us, we're happy, we have a gorgeous baby, we're gonna be happily married soon. I couldn't ask for anyone better to share my life with, I love you more than words can describe", he strokes my cheek.

My body heats up at his words. Words can't describe how lucky I am. I have the most handsome, caring man in the world. The most beautiful baby girl and amazing friends.

I couldn't be more lucky.

When people ask us how we met, we simply look at each other and laugh. When we tell people we met in Instagram, no one believes us.

Especially since I was this mega fan girl.

Life is weird sometimes.

Very unexpected.

But sometimes life turns out just as you hoped.

But sometimes you just gotta keep dreaming.

Happy dreaming....dreamers

-------------------------------------------------------------*drops the Mic*

Lmao I just dropped that on you

Ik it was shit but I just wasn't feeling this book and I'm trying to finish them so I can concentrate on bad decisions

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Oh and no there won't be an epilogue..I've got nothing more to say

*everyone sends Tony after me*

Sorry guys

I love youuu

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