[24] - sick

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My throat burns as I cough out my insides, tears burning my eyes. "Babe, are you okay?!", I just panics running into the bathroom as I hang over the toilet. "I feel so sick Justin, I can't stand up. My legs feel like jelly", I groan rubbing my stomach.

"Come on", Justin says softly, picking me up bridal style and helping me into our super kingsized bed. "I'll go get some water and Advil, and call my doctor. I can't have you sick before Australia baby", he kisses my lips a few times before rushing out the door.

He returns no longer than 5 minutes later, water and Advil in hand. He hands me it and I thank him, chucking the pills in my mouth and swallowing them with water.

"The doctor should be here in 20. Wanna watch T.V?", he asks looking at me with the cutest face ever. I giggle as I nod, telling him what I want to watch, Riverdale.

Exactly twenty minutes later the doctor shows up, giving me a smile. "So what seems to be the problem?", she asks. "I've been sick for the past few days. And my periods been really heavy", I tell her and she nods.

"Well I'm thinking of taking an ultra sound to see what's wrong and if that doesn't show anything you might have to come to my practice", she informs me and I nod understandably. Justin sits beside me on the bed, holding my hand.

She lifts up my shirt a little exposing my weirdly bloated stomach. She places the cold gel on my stomach making me hiss. "Sorry", she lets out a soft chuckle. She places the scanner thingy the on my stomach rolling it around.

A few hums come from her mouth but I have all my attention on the screen. What are those? My lungs. What the fuck?!

"Oh god", she whispers and my head snaps to her. "What, what's wrong!", I panic looking at Justin, my hold on him intensifying. "Maggie, you were pregnant with twins. The sickness and blood is a sign of-", "What do you mean were. Why did you say that in past tense?!", I shout.

"The sickness and the blood is a sign of a miscarriage. We need to get you to hospital straight away. From what I can the foetus's are alive and to be able to save them, we must operate immediately", she says and my eyes widen.

I look at Justin and his expression is more shocked than mine.

Oh god, please let my baby be okay!?

-------------------------------------------------------------I'm sorry guys!!

This book will be finishing in 6 parts.

Honestly the rest of this book dont be amazing, I'm losing interest but I wanna finish it for you

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