A little bit of wisdom

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Author's note

Hey everyone, this isn't really a story. It's more like me posting little life lessons I've learned. I think everyone has had some sort of life lesson, and if you want to share or just want me to talk about it, feel free to. I won't ask about it, I won't judge. I'll just say what I feel. I'll be kind and caring, not harsh. Please tell me what you think, and if you want to help me....well that would be great.

I hope you enjoy today's tid bit of wisdom....


Have you ever had one of those days where you just are stressed? You just want to break down and cry? It was one of those days. Some people say you are your biggest critic, but that's not always true.

Sure you might doubt yourself and say it's terrible. But that doesn't mean you believe it. Sometimes you love what you do or created, but others don't. They hate it. Can't stand it. So you look it over, and try to see the faults, but you just can't. You can't see what's wrong with it because in your heart you know it's perfect. And you try and try to fix it, but can't. Because you still truly love it. So you ask them what's wrong with it.

And they tear you down. They complain about every little detail you loved. And your whole view on your work is shattered. You start to hate your work, and do you know why? Because it hurts to see someone hate what you worked so hard on. They might not realize what they did, but the effect is still the same.

I had that, I worked so hard on a song I wrote. It took me months just to get the vocals down. I had to rethink the melody and move all the chords. And when it was finally ready...I was over joyed. I loved it, I loved every word in that song. But the day of the talent show in the middle of my song some girls ran out of the gym. I wanted to cry. Everyone turned to see what was going on and when they turned back...no one noticed me. I was Miss Invisible again. The worst part was, I loved being on stage. For once in my life, I wasn't scared or embarrassed or nervous. I felt like I belonged up there. I felt they loved my voice. But as soon as I saw those girls running away, my heart sank. I didn't belong on stage, they didn't love my voice. They couldn't care less about me. It was like I turned invisible again. And I hated it. I wanted to be heard, I tried to get their attention back. But nothing worked. I didn't want to be that shy, quiet, sad little girl I was before. I wanted to be the happy, out going person that was on the stage. I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs my song. I felt like...I was at the top of the world for a few seconds. I felt...alive. And I want to feel that way again, but...I know I can't. Seeing people hate your work is like...dying inside. That's what happened. I died a little.

I said I would give up singing and writing. But that's not the answer. That will just make things worse. You have to look at what you did and think about how it made YOU feel. You have to believe that you belong. Whether it's on the stage, in the crowd, or just there. You have to believe in your work. And the rest will follow. It doesn't matter how much people hate it, it only matters how much YOU love it.

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