8-Lil Shooter.

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I sat in May backyard smoking a blunt with her.  I haven't talked to my dad or Eli since the party .  I turned my phone off not in the mood for anything.  Phone's been off since the party too.  I exhaled and passed tube blunt to her before coughing out my damn lungs.

"Damn bitch calm down !"She laughed. " Your nigga over there"  She pointed to the gate. I sighed.


"He wants to make sure you okay duh bitch. Him, Cello ,and Adien. " She laughed and started coughing.

"I gotta piss." I said as the gate opened. I got up and went in the house.

"Get yo ass back out here bitch!!!" She yelled grabbing me. I sighed and turned around going back out there and sitting back down."Hey Y'all! !" She smiled.

I grabbed the blunt from her and continued to look at the ground. I frowned hearing them greet eachother. They were having a whole conversation  and just smoked my blunt  . It got quiet and I look up seeing them stare at me.

"So you just not gone speak Ma?" Eli asked.

I exhaled and shrugged. He sighed and sat down beside me .

" You ight? " He asked. I shrugged again.

"Yo! Wassup Lil shooter."Aiden said to me laughing.

"Right like damn Sis .You don't see us?" Cello asked.

"Fuck y'all want?" I exhaled again and passed the last of the blunt to May.

"Why you always so rude Lil shooter?" Aiden asked.

"Shut the fuck up talking to me before I shoot you." I rolled my eyes.

"Bae. What's the matter man." Eli sighed.

"Nothing.  Im just boolin.  Getting High like Usual." I shrugged.

"There you go with blood shit?"Aiden laughs.

"Fuck is y'all hanging with this lame ass nigga for." I asked getting frustrated. "Just blew my damn high."

"Damn Lil shooter im just playing."He chuckled.

"Why does your friend keep talking to me?" I asked Eli.

Eli stood up and picked  me up putting me  over his shoulder and walked in the house.

"We'll be back. Light another blunt " He said and closed the door

He sat me on the couch in May living room . I frowned and looked at my feet .Just man Handling me. He sat beside me and pulled me into his lap. I chuckled. He grabbed my chin and turned my head to him. He squinted his eyes at me before laughing with me. The laughing died down and he licked his  lips looking at mine.  He leaned in and kissed me softly.  When I pulled away he looked at me weird.

"What's up with you Lil baby? What's wrong with my girl?  I aint talked to you since Friday " He said rubbing his hand down my cheek.

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