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2:22 pm
I watched the big guys put the casket in the ground .  I pushed the black sunglasses to my face avoiding my dad's eyes. I haven't seen or heard from Aiden. I haven't been to school. I haven't even left my room until now.

" You good?" Eli asked me . I shrugged.

" Come on y'all. It's about to rain. " My dad said.

" Malik said he'll call you Princessa." Dre said grabbing a black rose from the casket before it was already down.

We were the last people at the grave site. Lately I've been so lifeless. So soulless. All I've been doing is getting high. My phone hasn't rung once in 4 days. My dad cries at night for me. He doesn't think so but I hear him asking god to let me be okay when he prays. I turn my music up loud because I don't want to hear the shit. ....... When we got back to the house I sat in the car for about an hour in silence. I lost my uncle and hid it with the fact that he did me wrong but it still hurt me I just didn't show it. But now I feel like the both of their deaths have found a way to my heart now. When I eventually got out the car I  went in the house and sighed seeing everybody in the living room.  

"Somebody is waiting for you in the kitchen." Elijah said after giving me a tight hug.

I nodded and walked past the kitchen and up the stairs.

" Princess Wait." I heard May's voice and almost smiled. " Come down here and talk to me please."

I shrugged and turned around going back down the stairs.. We walked into the kitchen and she gave me a big hug and squeezed me tight.

" I'm sorry Man. We've both been going through some shit. And it was dumb for me to keep drinking and messing around with Eli while I was with Marcello. I told him what happened and he said he couldn't deal with that anymore . We're not together anymore . I haven't been drinking anything but water  and juice for a week now.  Girl you know we've been rocking since diapers we can't do this falling out shit." She let out with relief.

" Maybe I was blowing it out of proportion. I'm sorry." I said keeping my apology short. 

Eventually we let go of eachother. She looked at me and shook her head.

" How are you?  You're dad filled me in on everything that's been going on in your life. It sucks man ." She sighed

" As good as my bitch ass will get." I said. " This shit is messing with my head man.  And i told Aiden to leave. I haven't seen him since."

" You been smoking ?" She asked me and I nodded. " A lot?" I nodded again.

" You know you really did slow down with him with you. Your dad called him to come over anyway." She said. " And He  fucked my step mom again she came home bragging about. He was giving her that heart breaker." She joked.

I stared at her before punching her arm and laughing my self. In the middle of us laughing Eli came in and pulled us into a group hug.

" Look at us. Like old times." He cheesed. And I smiled and then frowned.

" I know I don't say this. At all . But I love you guys.  Life is too short to be mad at y'all for being young and doing what our bitch asses do.   If something was to happen to guys . Or Aiden. Or daddy. I'd loose my mind."  I admit to them . I kissed both of their cheeks and hugged their necks tighter.

"We love to man ." Eli kisses my forehead in a brotherly way.

My heart was cold as hell right now . I let them go and found my way upstairs. I didn't know what the fuck was going through my head I just wanted shit to be over. When I Got in my room I grabbed my stash and proceeded to roll up and get high as fuck I can't deal.

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