30- Seeking..

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I twirled my fingers together watching her write down notes. We got back last night or early this morning and I haven't been to sleep since. The last few days were alright . No one argued or fought. I was with them but I kind of stayed to myself.

"Miss.Taylor?" My therapist said to get my attention.

" I'm sorry . What were we talking about again?"

" You ,Miss Taylor. We always talk about you." She chuckled. " Your dad called and told me you might be a little out of it because of your trip.  What happened on the trip." She asked .

I looked at her and shrugged.

"Klaryssa we cant get any where if you never talk to me!! I want to help you! You're dad is basically paying me to sit here and look at you! What's it going to take love?" She said getting angry.

"Well then quit." I shrugged.

"No. I'm not going to quit because  I know there's someone in there who wants my help. I'm not going to leave you to rot. Wether it's today tomorrow. Next year. We're going to help you." She said with a little more compassion.

I sighed. " fine."

"Baby steps is okay. How about we start from the beginning. Your mother."

" I don't have a mother." I said and she raised her eyebrow at me.

" What do you mean?" She asked.

"She left when I was born she don't deserve the title of mother."

" And how did that make you feel?"

" At first I was mad hurt and sad. But I got over it and now its more just a resentment to her."

" how'd you get over it?" She asked.

" I started not giving a damn. About anything. Smoking to relieve the pain." I told her she nodded. And continued to write.

" when were you introduced to drugs and by whom?"

" I don't do drugs." I rolled my eyes.

" My apologies . Marijuana."

" When I was 13. By my god brother." I tell her she nodded .

" What about your friends how do you treat them. How do they feel about you." I looked down.

" I don't know." I shrugged.

" Well why don't we ask them . Are they here?" She asked.

" They're sleep." I shrugged.

" What about your boyfriend and your father?" She asked. " Are they asleep too ?I think it would be fantastic to have them here."

" Not Aiden and probably not my dad. I'll go get them." I said quickly getting up.

I walked to the other side of the house and went up to my dads room.  He sat on his bed looking through his computer. He looked up st me.

" Did you make her leave again?" He asked I shook my head.

" She wants you to be down there."  I said he nodded.

I left his room went back down the steps and back to the other side and up to my room. Aiden was flipping through the channels on the tv. I went up the steps and got on the bed beside him. I cuddled up next to him.

" Hey babe. You alright?"

"She wants to talk to you and daddy."

"You mean your therapist?" I nodded. " What she want with me." He said standing up

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