9-New Protection

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I sat in the emergency waiting room with my head in my hands..I can't think straight . My mind was going in so many different directions. Eli held my hand and Aiden rubbed my back both trying to comfort me. I didn't want to be comforted  I wanted to go fuck somebody up .

"Princessa"Dre called. I looked up and Skeme waved me over to them.

I sighed and walked over to where they were sitting.  I sat down in the middle of them.

"They don't know if he gone to make it. They said they doing everything they can. They said he might only be alive for a few more hours.Hes on life support.  You wanna go see him?"

My heart broke but I nodded.. The tears had already states falling before I got up. They took me back to the ICU and my heart started racing.  When the doctor showed me where was I ran to his side.

"Daddy!please be okay." I cried. I hugged him and he didn't say anything and was struggling to breathe.

"I don't know what to tell you Princess man." Skeme said.

"Im sorry Daddy. Im not mad at you anymore. You're going to be okay and when you come home we will talk about it .Please don't leave me I don't know what to do."I Said quietly into his arm.. His struggling  to breath became more evidnat and i looked up at him realizing  he was trying to talk...

"I-it's yo-urs.   I lo-love you ."He struggled out and struggled to hug me back. He voice was low and raspy .

"I don't want it anymore if you're not here with me. Please don't go."I cried.

"Pri-princess. "he said and closed his eyes like it was painful for him to talk.

"Daddy please." I beg . 

He doesn't  respond . I laid my head on his chest and just cried.  And cried. I can't loose him man.No matter all the bull shit.He's my world and I wouldn't  be complete if I loss him.. God please don't take my daddy away.

"Princess let us take you home . So you can get your mind right and we'll bring you back tomorrow. " Skeme said pulling me up. I nodded.

"Ill be back right after school. I promise. "I told my dad .When he didn't  respond I turned my head sadly.

"Um Miss Taylor right?" The nurse asked before we left the ICU. I nodded." Your father asked that you be the one to decide to pull the plug or not. He doesn't want anyone else to do it. But if I were you if try to do it as soon as possible so he doesn't have to suffer."  She said and all of a sudden I got pissed. .

My lip rose and I cocked my hand back about to smack  her but Dre grabbed it. The bitch didn't even give him and chance to him a chance to fucking try to pull through you just want to end his damn life.Dre pulled me in his arms away from the girl and Skeme stayed behind to talk to her as we walked away.

"Princessa you know what ever you need we got you. Don't be scared to call." He said and I nodded."Go back with your friend tonight I don't want you at the house by yourself.  Ill go back and feed the dogs and make sure everything is good. "

We got into the lobby. And I felt like everybody was looking at me.I didn't see Marcelle or Eli.

"You okay?" May asked and came up to hug me.

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