Hung-up and Hungover (Barnes x reader)

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"Nope, you guys can't play," Tony argued, pointing at you and Clint, "you never miss, so that just sucks all the fun out of it for the rest of us. Besides, this game of pool is for cash and posterity, and you're broke, so...point made."

Clint snorted in disgust and waved Tony off, shaking his head and pointing at you with the hand that held his half-empty beer bottle, "that's not fair. She misses all the time, no need to punish me for it."

"Hey, I do not!"

"Sis, come on, there's a reason that I made the team first."

"Yeah, to shut you up and to get you to quit whining so damn much. You annoyed them into submission."

Natasha laughed so readily that it caught her by surprise, sending her drink from her nose as she choked and struggled to breathe through the distress. "Oh my god..." she gasped, "it's so true..."

You hurried over to your friend's side and gave her a few firm slaps on her back, holding your empty hand out to accept the towel that Steve had hurried away to grab for her. "Calm down, Tash, it's not that funny. Here, wipe that off your face, you just spit up like a baby."

"What the hell, Nat, I thought you were my friend!"

"I am, Clint, but your sister's right, you can be a whiney little bitch."

Your snide smile at him was returned with a stuck out tongue and a raised middle finger, but you didn't take it to heart; it was how you communicated, and you knew that it would take so much more than that to offend either of you. Even with the years that separated you, Clint was your best friend in the world, and-

"Fine, make it a drinking game and she's sure to screw up," he broke into your thoughts, immediately making your love for him seem thinner and thinner at the insinuation. "She's a sloppy drunk."

"You're a bigger lightweight than I am!"

"Am not!"

"Oh, okay," you scoffed, releasing Natasha to stand up and face Clint with a determination in your eyes, "let me just remind you of the party after Sokovia. When Ultron was trashing the place, what were you doing? You were ducking under every table you could find."

"I was getting across the room to grab Cap's shield!"

"You were hiding."

"I threw it right to him!"

"He's a good catch."

Clint opened his mouth to retort, but stopped when a wide smile grew and his eyes sparkled with mischief at your words. He knew that you had been crushing on a certain super soldier lately, and even though it wasn't Steve who was your focus, he hoped that the discussion might get an accidental admission from you. "Oh he is, huh? Like what you see in our Captain, do you?"

"What? That's not...that's not what I meant..." you stammered, feeling the heat of embarrassment rising in your cheeks. It became worse when you could feel Steve's gaze shift and turn towards you. "You're such a bastard, Barton," you hissed at him under your breath, turning to face Steve. "That's not what I meant, Cap. He's being an idiot. Per usual."

"Who's being an idiot? Stevie?" Bucky interjected, entering the lounge with a freshly opened beer in hand, another for you in the other. "Why you actin' surprised at that? I've known that for almost a hundred years now." The wink he gave you when he held the dark bottle out for you to take almost sent you to the floor in a heap of nervous energy, and you only hoped that he didn't see the shaking in your hand when you took the drink from him.

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