Marry Me (Sam Wilson x reader)

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Angst.  Sorry about that.  Based on the song "Marry Me" by Train

Forever can never be long enough for me

To feel like I've had long enough with you

Forget the world now, we won't let them see

But there's one thing left to do

Now that the weight has lifted

Love has surely shifted my way

Marry me

Today and every day

Marry me

If I ever get the nerve to say "Hello" in this cafe

Say you will

The first thing that Sam ever noticed about you were your hands; he wondered what it would feel like to lace his fingers through yours. They were tapping in a slow rhythm against your cup as you sat by the window of the small café next to the tower, and you were immersed in a book, earbuds in and completely oblivious to his stares, thankfully.

Then it was your lips, gently parting as you lifted your drink up to them, leaving just a hint of color behind on its rim when you pulled it away. A few small drops escaped and ran onto your shirt, much to your annoyance, leaving you absentmindedly trying to wipe them away without losing your place in your reading. After a few seconds, you decided that it wasn't worth the trouble and shrugged it off, returning to your original focus.

Sam was instantly smitten with you, before ever having spoken a single word; not even your name. When you reached up to tuck a stray hair behind your ear, he couldn't help but want to have done it himself, and to be close enough to you to see the soul that lived behind your eyes. He had yet to see them or know their color, and when he finally did as you realized that he was staring, looking up at him with a wide eyed intrigue, he wasn't disappointed; he was hooked. He was gone. He was yours.

Sam Wilson wasn't a coward. I'm an Avenger, dammit, he thought to himself as he froze in place under your attention, just go introduce yourself. He cleared his throat nervously and took one solitary step forward; it was all he would take towards you, however, suddenly awash with a fear that you would laugh him off or reject his advances, and he wasn't ready for this to be his last time seeing you. He tripped over his feet on the way to his escape, spilling his own drink much as you had, not giving it a second's notice as he pushed his way through the door and onto the busy sidewalk where he could lose himself in the anonymity of the crowd.


The next time he saw you there was several days later, and this time he had promised himself that he would at least say hello, and that he definitely wouldn't run away.

He probably wouldn't run away.

He found you standing near the counter, waiting for your drink as he ordered his own. If the barista timed this right, and if the planets aligned just perfectly, your drinks would arrive together and he could ask to sit with you. Maybe if he took your drink by accident it would give him a starting point to talk; he had never been so inept at flirting, and it had him completely frustrated. So much so that he fulfilled his own idea unknowingly, grabbing your drink as you took his.

You barely had his cup to your lips before knowing that it wasn't yours. Rolling it slightly with a turn of your wrist, his name was clear on the side and you had no idea how you could've gotten it so wrong. He was making his way towards a small table in the far corner of the café, and you quickly gave chase before he could take any of your beverage.

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