The Price of Freedom is High (Peter Parker x reader)

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"Hi, I'm...I'm Peter."

"Your point?" you snapped, holding your weapon at the ready in front of you. "I don't think that formal introductions are really a big part of a fight. Maybe you haven't been at this for very long."

"Oh, I'm sorry, my bad," he replied with equal sarcasm, extending his wrist and landing a web just above your head. "Let's get to fighting then." He swung from the beams overhead and down towards you, but you anticipated his trajectory and dropped to the ground, rolling forward as he swung past, letting him crash into the metal rail and glass wall to tumble to the hard ground below.

You stood quickly and made your way to the ledge, peering over it to be sure that he wasn't seriously hurt, but also to check if he was coming back for more. "You okay, kid?"

"Who are you calling a kid?" he laughed, suddenly appearing from nowhere to land behind you. "You don't sound much older than me!"

"Have you even hit puberty yet?"

"That's cold," he hissed, taking a step back in mock offense, "even I didn't hit that low."

"I don't have time for this," you groaned quietly. "Alright, listen, there are a lot of things going on here that you don't understand-"

"Huh, Mr. Stark said you'd say that."

"And you believe everything that Mr. Stark tells you?"

"You don't?!" he scoffed, bringing his hand to his chest in shock. "Nothing that you've done so far would have ever led me to believe it!"

"Jesus," you muttered, putting your batons in their holsters at your sides, "you're something else, you know that, Spiderling? I know that you're young and all, but your naiveté is appalling. If we're even close to the same age, then I weep for our future."

"Well don't you worry, little Rogers wannabe," he snapped back, "you're not going to be around to see my future anything. I've only got one job here, and I've gotta impress Mr. Stark," he paused, again extending his wrist to fire, "I'm really sorry."

"Please," you objected quietly, grabbing a grappling hook from your belt and launching it towards a far wall before he could act, "you're not the only wall-crawler around here." Leaping from the broken ledge where he had previously fallen, you tightened the wire in your hands and successfully swung to safety, landing with a solid footing to turn back and give him a quick wave before sprinting away.

"Okay...she's awesome," he whispered to himself, immediately determined to find you when all of this was over. He sat still for a minute, in awe of what he had just seen, when he was knocked over from behind with the sound of wings closing around him that signaled the start of a new fight.


Three years had passed since the day that Peter had met you, and he was still just as determined to find you now as he was then. As a part of Steve's team, you were kept well hidden after the Raft escape for obvious reasons, and no matter who he asked or what government system he could break into, there was no sign of where you had gone. He had an idea that Tony knew where you were, but he was just as tight-lipped about it, frustrating Peter to no end. In fact, he had given so much attention to you over the past years, that a new milestone was upon him and he had almost missed it.

"Just because you're 18, it doesn't mean that you have to move out," May urged. "It's going to be too quiet around here without you."

"I thought that you'd like that for a change?" he smiled back. "Get me out of your hair once and for all?" Peter dropped a few more of his belongings into one of the boxes that lined the floor, pausing to look at the collection when a fleeting thought about staying crossing his mind. He quickly dashed it though, knowing that it was the right thing to do. "Anyway, I can't pass up this opportunity. Mr. Stark has me all set up out at the Avengers compound upstate. Studying with him is something that I can't say no to, which you told me yourself."

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