They Can't Take That Away From Me (Rogers x reader)

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Fluff based on the song of the same name by Jose James

"Woo! Get in there, Cap!"

Steve turned and shot a mischievous yet warning glance over his shoulder to Sam, who was sitting with an equally inebriated Clint on one side and a sober yet eager to make trouble Bucky at his other. The three men only continued to cheer their friend on, warning or none, but no matter how eager they were for him to claim his moment, none of them could compare to the look of unabashed excitement in Tony's eyes as he held out your hand to Steve. He had been trying to set the two of you up since your first day working for him at Stark Industries, and he wouldn't believe that his intuition was wrong. It took moving your work to the Avengers tower and then reassigning you as Steve's assistant to get his plan into action, and now that he was seeing his genius idea reach its pinnacle, of course all because of him, he was almost as proud as if he were your own father.

"Cap, I brought you a little something special," he smiled, leaning in for a quick kiss on your cheek before allowing you to be taken from him. The rough stubble of his beard grazed your skin and left you with an unexpected shiver, but it was dashed just as quickly at the feeling of Steve's strong hand taking yours to quell your excited nerves. "Alright, I hope you two like the song I've picked out for you."

"I'm sure we'll love it, Tony."

"You should, since we know how well I did with picking you out for each other. Besides, I know that Steve likes it," he smiled. "He wandered around the tower singing it like a lovesick puppy every day until he finally had the balls to ask you out. Couldn't get it out of my head for months."

"Aw, that's so sweet," you chuckled softly when Steve rolled his eyes and his cheeks flushed a hint of pink, "you sang for me?"

"More like a whimpering blubber," Tony snorted, "it was really bad, (Y/N)."

"Thank you for that, Tony," Steve finally interrupted, pulling your hand to spin you away from your friend and closer to himself. "Shall we then?"

"We shall," he called out aloud, his hand up to signal for the music to begin. Tony left the dance floor at the center of the tower's lounge, making his way to the table that held the three drunken teammates, finding himself eager to join in on the celebration as they all watched you have your first dance as a married couple. "What are we drinkin', fellas?"

"Hey, shuuush your faaace," Clint slurred, "I wanna hear how the song's 'sposed to sound without Stevie's whiney bitch voice all over it."

There are many, many crazy things that will keep me lovin' you
And with your permission, may I list a few?

The way you wear your hat
The way you sip your tea
The memory of all that
No no, they can't take that away from me

Once the music began, Steve slipped his hand around your waist and onto your back, but he stopped suddenly, looking down at you with a hint of worry in his eyes. "Where do I put my hand? I don't want to mess up your dress."

"Mess up the dress, Steve. It's time for the party and I'll never wear this again."

"I like the way you think," he smiled, his apprehension washed away and his grip tightening to hold you closer.

"You can let up a little, sweetie, I'm not going anywhere."

"I'm not about to take that chance." His open hand reached out to take yours within it, his feet finding their way to begin to lead you around the floor, slowly at first, carefully as if you might break if he grew too eager in his movements, but as the song continued, he closed his eyes and remembered how it felt when the words meant a sadder time for him. When he yearned and longed for something that he never thought he would have, never thought he would deserve, and the emotions pushed him forward.

The way youre smile just beams
The way you sing off-key
The way you haunt my dreams
No no they can't take that away from me

Steve could feel that he was on the precipice of breaking, even with your hand in his and his arm around you, but he wasn't a man who rested on what was supposed to be safe and anything that was said to be assured. He had loved and lost too many times before, and he hadn't been sure that he could open himself to you when Tony introduced you; he could survive the pain himself if you had chosen to love him and turn away, but he couldn't live with hurting you when none of his days were a guarantee.

But you wouldn't let him back down that easily, making him want to chase you, making him want to want this life despite his fears. You had a way of knowing what he needed before he had a glimpse into it himself, and you knew all along that what he needed was you.

We may never, never meet again on the bumpy road to love
Still, I'll always, always keep the memory of
The way you hold your knife
The way we dance 'til three
The way you've changed my life
No no, they can't take that away from me
No, they can't take that away from me

"Hey, are you okay?" you whispered against the skin of his neck, your head resting on his shoulder as you moved together. "You're really quiet."

"Always," he answered with a soft sniffle, releasing your back only long enough to wipe his hand over his eyes, "yeah...I'm good."

You surprised him when you pulled your hand from his, enough for his feet to stop and hold you still against him, looking down at you with the fear that he had done something wrong. When your hands came up to his face, holding it gently between them to wipe his cheeks with the touch of your thumbs, he smiled and took a relieved breath before beginning to move again, "nothing's ever taking this away from me."

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