Choices Must Be Made (Thor/Loki x reader)

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"Your hammer is stupid."

"You're stupid."

"You're both imbiciles," a young Loki joined in. "We all knew that so I really don't see what the argument is about."

"Well then you're stupid too," you snapped, sticking out your tongue at your friend. "Just because you two are the sons of the All-Father doesn't mean that I have to genuflect as you pass by and defer to the presumed greater intellect that doesn't even exist. You're just stinky Thor and snobby Loki to me, and that's never going to change for as long as I live."


"How old were we there, do you suppose?" Thor smiled down at you, looking at a worn picture of the three of you together, laughing like the exuberant children that you were back then. "We certainly were a troublesome three."

"Hmm," you nodded in agreement, "I thought that it would require a greater effort to be banished from the throne room, but your father really didn't care for me much, it would seem."

"Father loved you as his own. That is why you were banished, to teach the greater lesson."

"Which was?" you smirked, pushing the photograph into your pocket, well beneath your dark cloak. "What greater lesson was there for me to learn that you and your brother did not?"

"That the only way for you to sit upon the throne of the king would be on my lap." Thor laughed and lifted you into his arms, swinging you as your voice carried with his, pulling you in for a kiss that was rudely interrupted by a frantic guardsman running your way.

"Sire, I need you to come with me," he panted. "The Tesseract has awakened, and it would seem that Loki is not dead as we were led to believe. He has gone in search of it and the king commands that you should depart immediately."

"Well, isn't that just spectacular timing," you huffed, allowing Thor to gently set you down and taking a step back from him. "Loki always knew how to ruin any sign of fun."

A low growl built in his throat as he looked down at you, reaching up to push a stray strand of hair behind your ear, "I'll not be gone for long. He's likely underestimating me and should not be difficult to apprehend. Should I give him your regards?"

"I can give them myself," you scoffed, "I'll be there with you."

"I don't believe I heard that in the order?"

"Actually, sire, the king did state that you could bring any warriors that you desired," the guard interjected, lowering his head and taking cautious steps back at the glare that Thor was shooting his way. "Apologies, your highness."

Thor knew better than to actually deny you if you were set on doing anything, and the look in your eyes told him that this wasn't something that he wanted to argue with you. He had known you since childhood, and never once did he win a battle when you were determined; as you had grown into an adult, and a skilled warrior at that, his hesitance to fight you had only become solidified. With a shake of his head and a long sigh, he raised his hand for you to lead the way, following you to see Heimdall without another word.

"You know that he's not going to listen to you," you offered, glancing back over your shoulder. When there was no reply, you stopped and turned to face him, putting a hand on his chest gently to hold him in place. "Don't be mad at me, Thor. You know that you need me, but I don't see why you won't admit it."

"He holds no regard for anyone who gets in his way," he finally answered quietly, "even you. That is not something that I care to risk."

"It's Loki. He's not going to hurt me."

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