Never Say Never (Wanda/Dad!Tony x reader)

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It was hard to hide anything from Wanda; you could feel her eyes on you from across a room full of partygoers no matter where you stood. She had vowed to the team that she would never go into their minds without permission, but apparently, that vow was valid only until she chose to break it under the guise of 'only wanting to help'. When the conversation around you shifted to business and finances at Stark Enterprises, you took your leave of the stuffy old men that surrounded your dad and seized the opportunity to find out what was going on in Wanda's head for a change.

"Excuse me, dad," you interrupted, "I'll be back."

Tony turned to you and grabbed your arm softly, leaning in for a whisper, "no, don't you dare leave me with these guys. Take me with you."

"You're such a big baby, I'll be back in a minute," you quietly replied with a smirk. "You're the one who invited them, so deal."

"Ungrateful child," he mumbled and turned back to his guest with a forced smile. "So, tell me more about your self-cooking hot dog..."

"Well, there's basically a chemical detonator embedded in the meat shaft..."

You heard the start of the conversation and only moved away faster, laughing at your dad and the hole he had dug for himself. The various conversations amongst the mix of his employees, civilians and Avengers were intriguing as you passed by, with several of them piquing your interest enough that you considered stopping. But when you met eyes with Wanda again, she saw you making your way closer and turned to make a run for it.

"Maximoff!" you hollered over the crowd and loud music, quickening your steps. "Don't you dare!"

Wanda stopped, frozen in place as she waited for you. She was about to be found out for knowing something that she shouldn't, and she had no idea what to say. As her heart raced and her fear built, she considered tricking you into forgetting that you had seen her watching you, but that would only be a further violation.

"Hello, (Y/N)."

"Don't hello, (Y/N) me, Wanda. What are you up to?"

"It was only out of concern, I swear."

You stopped and took a step back, aghast at what you realized that she meant. She wasn't supposed to know; no one was. "Whatever you think that you know, Wanda, please forget it."

"That would be impossible, (Y/N). The things that I've seen in your mind are unforgivable, and I don't understand why you are still with him. No one deserves to be treated the way he treats you." She paused and looked at you in earnest, hoping that you would agree, dropping her voice to a whisper. "No one more than you. I have to tell Tony," she nodded in steady resolve. She dodged your grip and ducked around you to get to him before you, moving much faster than you expected.

"No! No, no, no, Wanda, you can't!" you called out after her, chasing her through the crowd. "Wanda, come back!"

"Tony, I have to talk to you," she panted, stopping abruptly at his side, "it's urgent, please, come with me."

"No, you stay right there," you warned, taking his other side. "Dad, don't listen to her, this is between us. Nothing to drag you into."

"Tony, it's a matter of safety that I talk to you."

"Dad, she's exaggerating."

"Your daughter is at risk."

"No I'm not!"

"She's not thinking clearly."

"You're sticking your nose in things that aren't your business."

"Really, (Y/N)?" she pressed with a raised voice that silenced the room around her, her eyes beginning to take on a red glow with her building anger. "What if the day comes when he loses control again and kills you? Do you think I'll be able to live with myself if I had known and didn't say anything?"

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