Call and Answer (Silver Springs Part 2) (Stark x reader)

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Part 2 is based on the song by Barenaked Ladies. I heard it today and thought it fit pretty nicely.

I think it's getting to the point

where I can be myself again

I think it's getting to the point

where we have almost made amends

I think it's the getting to the point

that is the hardest part

"How do they look?"

"Thrilled, Tony," Secretary Ross snorted in mock amusement, "they look just thrilled."

"Is (Y/N) here?"

"Of course she is. She chose to break the law with the rest of them, so why should I give her special treatment?"

Tony stopped in his tracks, coming to a sharp halt so sudden that the Secretary slammed into his back when he wasn't paying attention. When he turned, Ross took a step back at the shift in Tony's demeanor, not expecting the shift to be so dramatic. "Because I asked you to," he hissed, "because you know who she is."

"Who is she, Tony?" Ross challenged, stepping up to him. "She's a girl that you knew twenty years ago, and you're imagining her the way you want to. Not the way she really is. She's a criminal, Stark, and criminals don't get favors no matter who they are. You could be screwing her for all I care, and it wouldn't change my mind."

"Watch what you say," Tony retorted, closing the gap between them, "because I don't care who you are. I won't think twice before planting my foot up your ass if you talk that way about her again, are we clear?" When the Secretary gave him nothing in reply other than a wide eyed stare and a mouth hanging agape, Tony turned on his heel and made his way into the center of the cells to find you.

He passed by Wanda first, pausing with regret in his eyes and a pain that he didn't expect; the sight of her was too much, and he felt remorse at the thought that he had helped to put her there when all he wanted to do was protect her. Next was Clint and then Scott, followed by Sam, but then past that was only an empty cell; you weren't there. Tony turned and looked to every other cage around him but they were just as empty as the first. He rushed to Sam's cell and pressed against the glass, urgently trying to get his attention.

"Sam, where's (Y/N)?"

"Oh, look at this, now you're all concerned," Sam scoffed, still not turning to face his former teammate. "Let me tell you, knowing you gets you far around here. You should have kept your big mouth shut about her, you know that? You sure as hell didn't do her any favors."

"Why?" he asked, much more meekly than just a second ago. "Where is she?"

As soon as the word solitary was uttered from Sam's lips, Tony was in a frantic rush to find you. Being in this place was cruel enough as it was, but to lock you completely away was beyond unnecessary and done just to spite him. You hadn't done anything in the fight beyond what the others had done; this was just Ross having fun with him through punishing you. He stumbled through a door on the far side of the detention area that led to the most heavily guarded units, having to stand up on his toes just to see through the tiny window on each door. "FRIDAY, which one?" he whispered, looking at his watch when the answer quickly came. "I want her out. Make it quiet and fast."

"Yes, boss."

The lights in the hallway dimmed and the emergency lights came up as each door slowly swung open in front of him. Tony rushed to your door and stopped at the threshold, seeing you sitting perfectly still even though you were just given the green light to escape.

Imagine If You Assembled The Avengers: Volume 2Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin