Level Up (Thor/Avengers x reader)

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On what was supposed to be a much-needed day of respite and relaxation at the compound, the team had gone from a pile of lazy superheroes gathered around a movie marathon and into a full-blown competition over a game that Tony had downloaded into all of their phones when he himself had become addicted to the newest craze.

"Over there!" Steve hollered out, jumping easily over the couch in one swift motion to land behind Natasha. Not one to be outdone, she launched herself onto his back and grabbed his neck, twisting him firmly until he dropped to the ground so that she could take his catch.

"Got it!" she squealed in delight. "This Squirtle is just the cutest thing I've ever seen!"

"Cheater," Steve groaned, pushing himself up, shaking his head at the dizzy sensation that her attack had left behind, "that was mine."

"Don't be such a baby," Tony joined in, walking past the pair absentmindedly with his phone held out in front of him, "there are hundreds of these things to catch. Trust me, those things show up all the time. I've got like, fifty Pidgey's already, and I swear if I see one more, I'm gonna hack in and erase the damn thing from the game altogether. Stupid bird."

"You guys are all ridiculous," you joined in, "so much for a relaxing day off. I'm going up to my room where I can actually get a little peace and quiet." Before you could fully push yourself up from the couch to make your way upstairs, Thor grabbed your hand and held you in place next to him, wrapping an arm around you to hold you securely.

"Don't leave me here alone with them," he whined, "I fear-" he stopped, ducking down when Sam stepped on the cushion next to him and launched himself over the back of the seat to catch another creature. "I fear for my safety."

"You could come upstairs with me," you offered, smiling coyly, "I promise to protect you."

"Hey, Thor! Come on man, join in!" Clint called out from the other side of the room. "I thought you liked to hunt?"

"This is not hunting, Barton. This is chasing imaginary creatures in an electronic device, with no true sense of accomplishment or victory when you cannot feel the capture within your own hands."

Watching the team flounder around the room like a bunch of idiots as they bumped into each other and attacked their own friends just to get ahead in the game, it had your mind racing at what you could do to make it more sportsmanlike, as Thor was saying. Your gift of mentifery was something that you normally held at bay unless it was needed on a mission, but you were tempted to use it now just to liven things up even more, and to give your Asgardian boyfriend a challenge that he could enjoy with his friends.

"I think I have an idea," you whispered to him gently, "can I have your phone? I left mine upstairs."

"Of course," Thor agreed readily, peering over at what you were doing on the screen with a curious eye, "but I thought that you didn't want to play this game?"

"I don't. I'm just adding a bit of challenge to it, is all. I think this might be more to your liking..." Once you had studied the list of Pokemon characters enough to have a variety, you closed your eyes and concentrated on what you had learned, trying to pay close attention to details and descriptions despite the ongoing uproar of your teammates around you. You knew that you had been successful even before you opened your eyes when you felt Thor's hand grip yours tightly, and a gasp escaped his throat. The room around you suddenly silenced, and you finally opened your eyes to see your work first-hand.

"Uh...(Y/N)," Tony whispered, finding himself frozen in place and staring down a Blastoise only a few feet away, "is this supposed to be funny?"

"No, not at all. Now it's a challenge."

"Yes...I do like your thinking," Thor agreed, pushing himself up and extending his arm, waiting for Mjolnir to arrive, "this is a hunt."

"How many...did you make..." Tony asked cautiously, his eyes never moving from their target. When the turtle-like beast shifted and turned to aim one of its spouts his way, Tony dropped to the ground to roll behind one of the tables next to him, but not fast enough to avoid a blast of water that pushed him to nearly the other side of the room. "Son of a bitch!"

Thor laughed aloud at the sight of his teammates, looking fearful at the room full of creatures that they had been so busy chasing in their phones, now real and in front of them waiting to engage. He looked down at you with a wide smile, giving Mjolnir a playful twirl in his hand before leaning down to get a quick kiss, "I love you."

"I know."

"Hey, Cap," Sam called out across the room, "you might want to watch your back over there. That Charmander's tail is lookin' kinda hot. I think you pissed it off."

Natasha was positioned just behind Steve with her back pressed against his, standing very still with her hands out defensively as she stared down her own challenge. "Guys, I take it back. This Squirtle isn't so cute after all. I don't like how its looking at me."

"Yes, then, alright," Thor stood straight and squared his shoulders, ready for battle, "where shall I begin?"

"I think you should save Tony first before he starts to cry."

Thor looked around the room with a sharp eye, seeing everyone in the group at the mercy of their own creatures, but no sign of Stark. "I am unable to find him. Has he gone?"

"Nope," you smiled back, pulling your legs up and tucking into a blanket, preparing yourself to watch the entertainment unfold, "he's hiding under that table with Clint. Hey, Tony," you called out to him, "I think the Pokemon are the ones who are supposed to be found..."

Tony poked his head out from under the table, peering out at you around Barton with desperate glances around the room, "shut it, (Y/N)! Stuff like this is why we never let you play!"  

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